History of Java Collections Framework
JavaTportal provides basic and Advanced Java Collection framework Tutorial for beginners.
java Collection implementations in pre-JDK 1.2 of the Java platform included few information structure classes, however did not contain an collections framework. The standard methods for gathering Java articles were by means of the array, the Vector, and the Hashtable classes, which sadly were difficult to amplify, and did not actualize a standard part interface.
The collections framework was outlined and developed essentially by Joshua Bloch, and was presented in JDK 1.2. It reused numerous thoughts and classes from Doug Lea's Collections package, which was expostulated as a result. Sun picked not to utilize the thoughts of JGL, on the grounds that they needed a conservative framework, and consistency with C++ was not one of their objectives.
this interface defines common functionality of all Collections. Java.util package contain classes and interfaces of collection framework. Classes like ArrayList, Vector,LinkedList, HashSet, TreeSet, LinkedHashSet, HashMap etc. use to add, reterive, remove, find and iterate the objects.
Benefits of the Java Collections Framework
The Java Collections Framework provides the following some important benefits:1. Reduces programming effort
2. Allows interoperability among unrelated APIs
3. Increases program speed and quality
4. Reduces effort to learn and to use new APIs
5. Reduces effort to design new APIs
6. Fosters software reuse
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Some most important frequently asked Java Collections Interview Questions for fresher
- What is the collection framework in java?
- What is a framework in Java?
- What is difference between Iterator and ListIterator?
- What is an arraylist in java?
- what is difference between Vector and ArrayList?
- What is the role of thread safety in Collection?
- How can a Collection is made unmodifiable?
- How can a Collection is made synchronized?
- What is type safe and why it is important?
- How can a Collection is made singleton?
- What is the role of hashCode() methos of Object class in Collection framework?
- What is the role of equals() method of Object class in Collection framework?
- What is the relation between equals() and hashCode() method?