Mobile Rich Media Advertising - Increase Engagement, Drive Traffic & Boost ROI

Rich Media is the most popular and important way to engage customers.
People love personalized experience, and rich media simply enhances customer's experience. Rich media ads don't disturb customers like other boring ads, instead customers enjoy these sophisticated rich media ads on their small mobile screens.
Why is rich media advertising so popular?
a) Interactive features - Rich media ads are embedded with great interactive features within them, which lets customers take action while browsing the website.
b) Rich media advertising is way more engaging than any other advertising - Rich media ads are not just text, but much more than that. It is text combined with great images and amazing video. Rich media offers a visual treat to customers, thus making them way more engaging than any other form of advertising.
Now, let's see how marketers are using mobile rich media advertising to increase engagement, drive traffic and boost revenue:
1. Location based advertising
Location based advertising is all rich media advertising. According to recent reports, location based ads have an engagement rate of 18.8% which is quite decent in this competitive mobile world. Marketers are smartly providing rich media ads to users based on their location and demographics, and are engaging customers more than ever!
2. In app rich media ads
In- app ads also generate great revenues and are very helpful for marketers to delight customers. Since the usage of app is growing manifold, in app ads are becoming a popular way to connect with customers. In app ads are no longer boring in nature; in fact they are becoming more personalized and enhancing customer's overall experience. Investing in in- app ads can be very fruitful for brands in this bustling mobile advertising industry!
3. Video ads
Rich media mobile campaigns largely have videos as their most important feature! In fact, 45% of all rich media campaigns have videos in it.
Let's look at some mobile video customer engagement platforms to connect with customers better!
a) moLotus - moLotus is a multimedia video engagement platform which is enhancing customer's experience with its rich media and video abilities. Brands are opting for this breakthrough platform because of its personalized and interactive nature. With moLotus, brands can directly reach customer's inbox and delight them with exclusive messages/greetings/offers. moLotus offers a fully rich media experience to its customers and helps marketers to drive huge revenues and save costs. Another great thing about moLotus is that it can help your brand reach great heights in festival season with its ability to tailor messages according to customer's interests.
b) Vdopia - Another amazing video advertising platform to interact with customers is Vdopia. A lot of known brands are using this platform to reach their customers and delight them with rich multimedia content. It's a great hit among masses.
It's time for marketers to take full advantage of these rich media ads in order to interact with customers in a very personalized and sophisticated way! Rich media advertising is the need of the hour, to succeed in this mobile marketing world! Adopt these ads sooner rather than later! Good luc


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