Using Gold As Stock Market Insurance
By Barry Unterbrink
Gold's Historical Role
A minority of the population understands that gold is a monetary asset that should be held as wealth insurance. A larger percentage of the population is confused about gold because of mainstream sources of information many people consider gold a risky investment when in fact gold bullion is not an investment of all a rather money itself just like any Fiat currency held in a vault, gold does not pay interest or dividends.
It is important to understand the role of gold as money in relation to Fiat currency. Governments and banks work hard to ensure that people remain confident in their debt backed paper currencies, and the economy in general. Financing is Wall Street's lifeblood, so it will always seek green shoots of recovery around the corner just as it did in 1929, 2000, and 2008. Consumer spending and bank lending is what keeps the Fiat shell game going and people do not borrow or spend when they feel uncertain about their financial future.
There are three essential characteristics of money: it must be a store of value; it must be accepted as a medium of exchange; and it must be a unit of account, meaning that it must be divisible in each unit must be equivalent. Fiat currency has failed as a store of value and it has no intrinsic worth. How much does it cost to type and zeros on the computer screen or on a piece of paper?
Certainly less than it does today a drill a mile into the earth and extract and refine 2 grams of gold from a ton of rock. The U.S. Federal Reserve was created in 1913. From its creation through to this day, the U.S. dollar has lost approximately 98% of its purchasing power. On the other hand, Gold has retained its purchasing power rising from around $21 an ounce in 1913 to $1,300 today. Through the ages, whether in Roman times, in 1913 or today, 1 ounce of gold has at least provided a man with a pair of shoes, a custom suit, and a briefcase, or the equivalent.
Gold as Stock Portfolio Insurance
Gold is the closest most negatively correlated asset to traditional financial assets such as stocks and bonds. Physical gold bullion should be a significant part of the strategic long-term allocation within a diversified portfolio. Wall Street pundits and the uneducated media regularly dismiss Gold, and other commodities as speculation, not to be owned for most investors. Do they know - or have taken any time - to research Gold's role in a portfolio; to dig into the numbers and important relationships?
We have looked at the Gold statistics over the past 40+ years, using publicly and historical information, and determined from the data that while Gold does not move in lock-step always to offset losses in stocks, it does show a very reliable pattern to mitigate losses in bad bear stock markets, and during times of high inflation. Your amount of assets in Gold should be your decision, based on your individual needs with your money; income needs, withdrawal rates, capital gains, liquidity, etc.
The Case for Gold Ownership 1972 - 2015
Note Golds surge after President Nixon took the U.S.A. off the Gold Standard in 1971, during which Gold's price was fixed at $35 an ounce. Stocks were entering a bear market, losing 40% during 1973 and 1974, while Gold skyrocketed almost 4 times in price, rising from $40 to $160.
Then a few years later, in 1978, we were hit with an Oil Embargo (remember gas rationing?), which started 4 years of high prices (inflation), which hurt the U.S. Dollar's purchasing power. From 1978 through 1981, inflation ramped up a combined 50%. Gold prices rose +135%.
Fast forward to the next major bear market, known as the DOT COM bust. This referred to the period at the turn of the century, 2000, where the Internet funding craze ramped up to unprecedented levels. Public offerings of Initial Public Offering shares in the technology sector met with wide-open pocketbooks with individual investors and institutions alike clamoring for ginormous profits. In the five years ending in 1999, when the DOT COM craze finally ended, stocks gained 228%, while Gold also rose 55%. Then when stocks fell about 40% in 2000-2002, Gold participated also and rose 18%.
Gold then began a 10 year rally, with no losing years starting in 2003, rising from $350 to $1,650 an ounce into late 2012. So far, investors, doesn't it looks like Gold is helping a portfolio including stocks, especially when the stock market is falling in bear markets?
The last period to measure is the 2007-2008 era real estate-led bear market in housing prices and financial assets, causing the stock market to lose half its value in a short 17 months. This should be in most of our minds, if you were an investor or saver 8 years ago.
Gold had its best year in 2007 (up 30%) since the late 70's, as it rose perhaps in anticipation of / and on the fears of the banking and lending fiasco that led up to the falling stock market.
During 2007-2009, stocks lost 15% in those calendar 3 years, while Gold gained $450 an ounce, or +70 percent.
Granted, the long term record also shows Gold's poor showing the past three years; being down sharply. Is this cause for concern? We feel the roughly 40% decline in Gold prices since 2013 are due to super low interest rates competing with the no-dividend paying precious yellow, and a decent stock market. Owning Gold through 2015 was a drag on your returns in a diversified portfolio. Stocks gained about 45% the past three years. That's a healthy clip.
The Bottom Line on Gold
So the take-away here is that Gold is reliable for mitigating losses when stocks are down sharply, and when Gold really tanks, stocks usually have a a great year (1975, '83, '91, '97, '13) or at least stocks provide a nice offset to Gold's lesser declines, in years 1976, '88, '89, '96, '98, '14, '15.
Could the economic uncertainty (Brexit vote) and renewed price gains in Gold this year, up $275 an ounce, or +26%, be a precursor to an even worse stock market ahead in the second half? We're not sure, but we are not selling our allocation to Gold for ourselves or our client accounts. Any geopolitical risks should only add to the demand for histories most popular and prescient precious metal, GOLD.
Is your financial advisor aware of the positive effects that alternative investments, gold, silver can have on your investment portfolio? For a complimentary review of your specific situation and goals, please contact us: Stetson Wealth Management, Fort Lauderdale Florida (954) 719 1151
Turning $12 an Hour Into $500,000
With all of the financial advice available now it is easy to get confused. Credit card reduction companies and different investment strategies that are sometimes scams. They often prey on the financial ignorance of a population obsessed with consumption but hate to budget and save. Black people according to Nielson read more financial magazines 28% more than any other group, but lag behind in wealth and resources as a group.
In terms of wealth, meaning home value, what you earn after all bills are paid, retirement account, emergency savings and stocks and other holdings the black and white disparity is overwhelming! According to the Washington Post, in stocks, bonds and other holdings whites have $180,000, blacks have $1,100. We could get into all of the stats and disparities but today I would rather focus on the potential.
Having the proper mindset to develop wealth is the starting point. Understanding that wealth is a gradual process based on practical economic decisions where compounded interest expand your reach and lifestyle decisions protect you from outside conditions. You should already know that my first rule is to live below your means, if possible way below. This must be repeated and emphasized as simple as it sounds because of the constant need to live large or keep up with the Jones' in American society.
The next question is after living below your means which would allow you to create an emergency savings, what do I do with my surplus cash? Any person building wealth should always be looking for ways to make their money work for them. You may want to invest in your own business or a family members business. You may want to invest in real estate. We just cited the disparity in stock holdings. Don't be afraid to jump in. Do your research thoroughly but take action. You can invest in the companies that you already spend money with that you like. Look to see if they have drip accounts. A drip account allows you to invest in stock shares with as little as $25.
I have to bring it back to a story that I read about 3 years ago. Mr. Earl Crowly worked as a parking lot attendant for 40 years never making more than $12 an hour but managed to accumulate a stock portfolio worth $500,000 using drip accounts! This was his wealth strategy! You could use it for yourself and add other strategies with this. Mr. Crawley has no credit card debt and I believe his home is paid for. Although not quite a millionaire at the time of the report he probably is now. If not, it does not matter because he has laid a wealth foundation and strategy for his children to follow from only $12 an hour! Mr. Crowley is the perfect example of The Trillionaire Next Door. I know he lived below his means based off of his income he had no choice, but he saved and invested wisely! It just proves my point that hard-working people can create a foundation of wealth and financial independence for themselves and family by playing defense! It doesn't matter how much money you make as long as your mindset is correct. Cut out frivolous spending, live below your means, save and make wise investments.
In terms of wealth, meaning home value, what you earn after all bills are paid, retirement account, emergency savings and stocks and other holdings the black and white disparity is overwhelming! According to the Washington Post, in stocks, bonds and other holdings whites have $180,000, blacks have $1,100. We could get into all of the stats and disparities but today I would rather focus on the potential.
Having the proper mindset to develop wealth is the starting point. Understanding that wealth is a gradual process based on practical economic decisions where compounded interest expand your reach and lifestyle decisions protect you from outside conditions. You should already know that my first rule is to live below your means, if possible way below. This must be repeated and emphasized as simple as it sounds because of the constant need to live large or keep up with the Jones' in American society.
The next question is after living below your means which would allow you to create an emergency savings, what do I do with my surplus cash? Any person building wealth should always be looking for ways to make their money work for them. You may want to invest in your own business or a family members business. You may want to invest in real estate. We just cited the disparity in stock holdings. Don't be afraid to jump in. Do your research thoroughly but take action. You can invest in the companies that you already spend money with that you like. Look to see if they have drip accounts. A drip account allows you to invest in stock shares with as little as $25.
I have to bring it back to a story that I read about 3 years ago. Mr. Earl Crowly worked as a parking lot attendant for 40 years never making more than $12 an hour but managed to accumulate a stock portfolio worth $500,000 using drip accounts! This was his wealth strategy! You could use it for yourself and add other strategies with this. Mr. Crawley has no credit card debt and I believe his home is paid for. Although not quite a millionaire at the time of the report he probably is now. If not, it does not matter because he has laid a wealth foundation and strategy for his children to follow from only $12 an hour! Mr. Crowley is the perfect example of The Trillionaire Next Door. I know he lived below his means based off of his income he had no choice, but he saved and invested wisely! It just proves my point that hard-working people can create a foundation of wealth and financial independence for themselves and family by playing defense! It doesn't matter how much money you make as long as your mindset is correct. Cut out frivolous spending, live below your means, save and make wise investments.
10 Tips Before Applying For Payday Loans
By Angela Albert
1. Automate the debt payment - Payday loans are issued to individuals who have a stable source of income. In other words, your application will be approved only if you have a regular income or salary every month. It would be so much simpler if you can just repay the debt with the money you receive next month. However there are some people who are not able to do that. They would spend the money elsewhere and be left with little for the repayment. So visit the bank and automate the debt repayment. The money should go to your creditor as soon as it reaches your bank. You can spend the balance left in your account. In fact most creditors have the automate payments forms with them. Just ask them and they shall be able to provide you the same. If you take a loan from us, you have the option to make the repayment in an automated mode. On your payday the cash will be directly debited from your account and credited to our account automatically. You may forget to pay so this is the safest route to avoid late payments. Some people have cash but forget to pay, so automating the payments is a great way to avoid late fees. In fact you must automate your payments for all your credit cards.
2. Cut your expenses - You are in debt, so the last thing you should do is spend a lot of it. Make this the central objective of your life for the time being at least. So go ahead. Reduce your expenses wherever you can. Make a plan. Go back to the drawing board and see where you can cut the expenses. Get rid of the costly cell phone plan or cable package. Get something simpler. Try to reduce your grocery budget. There is always something you can do without. You can get rid of the debt easier this way, and will also be left with money in your account that you can save every month. This will help you in the long-term.
One of the best ways to stop spending on things that you do not need is to stop watching TV or reduce watching to a large extend. They show all kids of excellent advertisements and we are compelled to buy. Just do not see them and you stop buying products with little or no use. And of course save money.
2. Increase your income - Have you ever thought of trying to earn more money? By doing this you will certainly be able to pay off the debt quickly. A second stream of income may help you avoid taking a loan in the future as well. Contrary to what many believe, earning a second income isn't really that difficult. For instance, you could sell off all those unwanted things you have on eBay. You will make some quick money to pay off the debt, and will also be able to reduce the clutter at home. You may also start a blog to make some extra cash for the long-term. Or you may find week-end jobs. There are plenty of ways to make some extra bucks. You just need to try.
3. Make small payments - The term of a payday loan is small - you have to repay the money after receiving next month's pay check. But if you can make some extra cash in the meantime, then you may consider paying off a portion of your debt with it. This will help you keep your burden in check, and will make it that much easier for you to repay later on. Plus, if you keep repaying, then you won't be wasting the extra money you are making. Find out from your payday lender if you are allowed to make small payments in the middle of the month.
4. Is there a prepayment penalty - Sometimes there is a prepayment penalty if you pay off the debt early. Ask the creditor while you are taking the loan. If you have taken a loan already with the penalty, then calculate how much it would be in money terms compared to the interest you will save if you pay it earlier. This will help you arrive at the right conclusion on whether you should pay off early.
5. Lower the interest rate - Try to negotiate with the lending company if you can. See whether they are willing to reduce the interest rate. Sometimes, a few companies will oblige, because they too want to do business. These agencies might agree if they see that you are serious about trying to repay your debt. It's always going to be easier for you if you have to pay off the debt at a lower interest.
6. Borrow against life insurance - One advantage of a payday loan is that, you can get the money you need very fast. It can be transferred to your bank account in 24-48 hours. That is perfect in an emergency. But once you have the money, you will have some time in your hand. So you can try other options. For instance, you can borrow against your life insurance and other savings and policies to repay your existing debt. Yes you will be receiving less money later, but that's a small price to pay for leaking cash at this point in life. Life insurance interest is below the commercial rates, so you will be saving more than you spend.
7. Borrow from your 401(k) - Similar to the point above, you can borrow up to 50% if you participate in a 401(k) retirement plan at work. So see how much money you have in your account and take out a portion of this to repay your debt. Don't worry. Payday loans are small dollar loans anyway, so you won't have to take out too much money.
8. Renegotiate the terms - If for some reason you see at the end of the month that you cannot still pay back the loan, then try to renegotiate the terms with the creditor. Convince the lending agency that you remain serious about paying it back, and there will be many who will try their best to help you. Perhaps your fees or interest can be reduced. You never know unless you ask. After all, the payday company too wants to get the money back. Our lenders will co-operate with you if you inform them well in advance that you will repay your loan but you need some time. Our lenders will work with you to find a plan that works best with both you and the lenders. But please inform them at least one week in advance.
10. Get eligible tax deductions - Are you getting all the lucrative and eligible tax deductions? You will be surprised to know that many people don't get this simply because they don't know the details. Get professional tax help if you need. This will help you in your long-term financial health. You will have extra money with which you can pay off the debt. In fact, you may not even need the loan
Angela Albert is an Executive at Loan Tube UK, a leading provider of online payday loans. Based and providing payday loans and across the UK, Cash One makes the entire process as simple as possible.
1. Automate the debt payment - Payday loans are issued to individuals who have a stable source of income. In other words, your application will be approved only if you have a regular income or salary every month. It would be so much simpler if you can just repay the debt with the money you receive next month. However there are some people who are not able to do that. They would spend the money elsewhere and be left with little for the repayment. So visit the bank and automate the debt repayment. The money should go to your creditor as soon as it reaches your bank. You can spend the balance left in your account. In fact most creditors have the automate payments forms with them. Just ask them and they shall be able to provide you the same. If you take a loan from us, you have the option to make the repayment in an automated mode. On your payday the cash will be directly debited from your account and credited to our account automatically. You may forget to pay so this is the safest route to avoid late payments. Some people have cash but forget to pay, so automating the payments is a great way to avoid late fees. In fact you must automate your payments for all your credit cards.
2. Cut your expenses - You are in debt, so the last thing you should do is spend a lot of it. Make this the central objective of your life for the time being at least. So go ahead. Reduce your expenses wherever you can. Make a plan. Go back to the drawing board and see where you can cut the expenses. Get rid of the costly cell phone plan or cable package. Get something simpler. Try to reduce your grocery budget. There is always something you can do without. You can get rid of the debt easier this way, and will also be left with money in your account that you can save every month. This will help you in the long-term.
One of the best ways to stop spending on things that you do not need is to stop watching TV or reduce watching to a large extend. They show all kids of excellent advertisements and we are compelled to buy. Just do not see them and you stop buying products with little or no use. And of course save money.
2. Increase your income - Have you ever thought of trying to earn more money? By doing this you will certainly be able to pay off the debt quickly. A second stream of income may help you avoid taking a loan in the future as well. Contrary to what many believe, earning a second income isn't really that difficult. For instance, you could sell off all those unwanted things you have on eBay. You will make some quick money to pay off the debt, and will also be able to reduce the clutter at home. You may also start a blog to make some extra cash for the long-term. Or you may find week-end jobs. There are plenty of ways to make some extra bucks. You just need to try.
3. Make small payments - The term of a payday loan is small - you have to repay the money after receiving next month's pay check. But if you can make some extra cash in the meantime, then you may consider paying off a portion of your debt with it. This will help you keep your burden in check, and will make it that much easier for you to repay later on. Plus, if you keep repaying, then you won't be wasting the extra money you are making. Find out from your payday lender if you are allowed to make small payments in the middle of the month.
4. Is there a prepayment penalty - Sometimes there is a prepayment penalty if you pay off the debt early. Ask the creditor while you are taking the loan. If you have taken a loan already with the penalty, then calculate how much it would be in money terms compared to the interest you will save if you pay it earlier. This will help you arrive at the right conclusion on whether you should pay off early.
5. Lower the interest rate - Try to negotiate with the lending company if you can. See whether they are willing to reduce the interest rate. Sometimes, a few companies will oblige, because they too want to do business. These agencies might agree if they see that you are serious about trying to repay your debt. It's always going to be easier for you if you have to pay off the debt at a lower interest.
6. Borrow against life insurance - One advantage of a payday loan is that, you can get the money you need very fast. It can be transferred to your bank account in 24-48 hours. That is perfect in an emergency. But once you have the money, you will have some time in your hand. So you can try other options. For instance, you can borrow against your life insurance and other savings and policies to repay your existing debt. Yes you will be receiving less money later, but that's a small price to pay for leaking cash at this point in life. Life insurance interest is below the commercial rates, so you will be saving more than you spend.
7. Borrow from your 401(k) - Similar to the point above, you can borrow up to 50% if you participate in a 401(k) retirement plan at work. So see how much money you have in your account and take out a portion of this to repay your debt. Don't worry. Payday loans are small dollar loans anyway, so you won't have to take out too much money.
8. Renegotiate the terms - If for some reason you see at the end of the month that you cannot still pay back the loan, then try to renegotiate the terms with the creditor. Convince the lending agency that you remain serious about paying it back, and there will be many who will try their best to help you. Perhaps your fees or interest can be reduced. You never know unless you ask. After all, the payday company too wants to get the money back. Our lenders will co-operate with you if you inform them well in advance that you will repay your loan but you need some time. Our lenders will work with you to find a plan that works best with both you and the lenders. But please inform them at least one week in advance.
10. Get eligible tax deductions - Are you getting all the lucrative and eligible tax deductions? You will be surprised to know that many people don't get this simply because they don't know the details. Get professional tax help if you need. This will help you in your long-term financial health. You will have extra money with which you can pay off the debt. In fact, you may not even need the loan
Angela Albert is an Executive at Loan Tube UK, a leading provider of online payday loans. Based and providing payday loans and across the UK, Cash One makes the entire process as simple as possible.
Crowdfunding for the Real Estate Market
By A Kirchenbauer
Crowdfunding is the collection of money from a large group of individuals in order to finance a project, start-up company, or campaign and is usually done through the internet. This method of pooling together small amounts of money for an expensive goal appears to be spreading to investments that require a large amount of capital - specifically, real estate.
Currently, real estate crowdfunding has become popular in the United States, partially due to new legislation that permits the raising of funds online; however, different laws in Asia may hinder the growth of these new investment platforms.
In Singapore, for example, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) regulates the collection of public funds, but not the real estate market. Because of this, a way to use crowdfunding has been to purchase international property (in this case, property not located in Singapore), through a fund collection platform based in Singapore.
One Singaporean website is doing exactly this. collected over SG$3,000,000 from over 1,300 users during their first six months of operation. Individuals are able to invest in real estate developments located in Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Australia and China.
While crowdfunding is still in its infancy, there are several different reasons why it could become the next big thing in the Asian property market. If one really thinks about it, co-ownership of properties has already been done for decades worldwide. The only difference is that by using the internet as a distribution channel, the process is made less bureaucratic and expensive by eliminating fees, numerous middlemen and complexity. Crowdfunding is merely an evolution of what already is.
Smaller developers will benefit from crowdfunding's rise as well. Banks are generally hesitant to loan property developers amounts between SG$1 million and SG$10 million because of their fees not being worth the additional paperwork. SMEs would be given an alternative to bank financing.
Crowdfunding will also make the property market more accessible for investors by giving them an ability to purchase part of an apartment, office building or retail store: types of property that typically have higher rental yields than a residential unit, but are prohibitively expensive to most individuals.
But while real estate crowdfunding seems like it will eventually make its way across the Pacific from the U.S., the risks, lack of regulation, anonymity by both parties and other issues make some skeptical. While crowdfunding is inarguably a success for some types of transactions, as websites such as Kickstarter and IndieGogo prove, time will tell whether investors in Asia can benefit from it.
Crowdfunding is the collection of money from a large group of individuals in order to finance a project, start-up company, or campaign and is usually done through the internet. This method of pooling together small amounts of money for an expensive goal appears to be spreading to investments that require a large amount of capital - specifically, real estate.
Currently, real estate crowdfunding has become popular in the United States, partially due to new legislation that permits the raising of funds online; however, different laws in Asia may hinder the growth of these new investment platforms.
In Singapore, for example, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) regulates the collection of public funds, but not the real estate market. Because of this, a way to use crowdfunding has been to purchase international property (in this case, property not located in Singapore), through a fund collection platform based in Singapore.
One Singaporean website is doing exactly this. collected over SG$3,000,000 from over 1,300 users during their first six months of operation. Individuals are able to invest in real estate developments located in Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Australia and China.
While crowdfunding is still in its infancy, there are several different reasons why it could become the next big thing in the Asian property market. If one really thinks about it, co-ownership of properties has already been done for decades worldwide. The only difference is that by using the internet as a distribution channel, the process is made less bureaucratic and expensive by eliminating fees, numerous middlemen and complexity. Crowdfunding is merely an evolution of what already is.
Smaller developers will benefit from crowdfunding's rise as well. Banks are generally hesitant to loan property developers amounts between SG$1 million and SG$10 million because of their fees not being worth the additional paperwork. SMEs would be given an alternative to bank financing.
Crowdfunding will also make the property market more accessible for investors by giving them an ability to purchase part of an apartment, office building or retail store: types of property that typically have higher rental yields than a residential unit, but are prohibitively expensive to most individuals.
But while real estate crowdfunding seems like it will eventually make its way across the Pacific from the U.S., the risks, lack of regulation, anonymity by both parties and other issues make some skeptical. While crowdfunding is inarguably a success for some types of transactions, as websites such as Kickstarter and IndieGogo prove, time will tell whether investors in Asia can benefit from it.
How To Raise Finance For Your Property Investment
By Damian Slominski
Raising Finance
There are many ways of investing in property, even if you don't have any money. Lease options and Rent to Rent are two very popular strategies. You can create a lot of cash flow by packaging and sourcing deals for other investors for a fee. However, it doesn't mean that if you don't have money, you can't invest in multi-million pound projects such as developments, commercial conversions or normal BTL properties worth a lot of money.
There are people out there who are waiting with their cash to invest in your deals instead of having their money in their bank where they're unlikely to get much return. Money loses value every single day and after paying taxes, they may just break even or make a loss. That is why they look for new opportunities. Some of those people are cash rich and time poor, meaning they don't have the time to find deals. These investors are looking for people like you to find and negotiate deals so they can finance it and share a profit with you. You need to start hanging around with these sorts of people; tell them what you do and build a relationship with them at the networking events, exchange business cards and after the event follow up with everyone the next day via email. You can say things like: "Hi Mr Smith, it was a pleasure to meet you at the property networking event yesterday. It would be great to meet up with you to discuss further business opportunities. Please let me know when you'd be free to meet up." Or you can say things like "There is no free lunch, but there is when I am in town." It all depends on who you deal with. This is just a simple example. If you are good at writing emails you can develop it, but try to keep it short and to the point. Remember: dress to impress; you can never get a second chance at a first impression. Who you hang around with is who you become and your network is your net worth. If you told us how much five of your friends made annually we could predict your salary.
We will name a few places and products where you can raise money for your property investments. Even if you have a lot of money and you start investing, you will eventually run out of money one day. That is why it's very important to raise finances and use other people's money instead of your own. All successful people do the same - they don't use their own money.
Joint Venture (JV)
This is a very good way of building your property portfolio quickly with minimal risk and no capital required. JV partners could be people who you meet at networking events. Some have a lot of time and will bring you good deals, whereas others are very busy but have a lot of cash to invest. If you are working with private investors they will have business experience that can help you. This will be very beneficial when analysing deals, legal issues, profit and loss etc. It is much easier and quicker to build a property business with partners than by yourself. Before entering in any JV agreement, make sure you do your due diligence on the person you are dealing with and consult with your solicitor. JVing with other people has positives and negatives so
Raising Finance
There are many ways of investing in property, even if you don't have any money. Lease options and Rent to Rent are two very popular strategies. You can create a lot of cash flow by packaging and sourcing deals for other investors for a fee. However, it doesn't mean that if you don't have money, you can't invest in multi-million pound projects such as developments, commercial conversions or normal BTL properties worth a lot of money.
There are people out there who are waiting with their cash to invest in your deals instead of having their money in their bank where they're unlikely to get much return. Money loses value every single day and after paying taxes, they may just break even or make a loss. That is why they look for new opportunities. Some of those people are cash rich and time poor, meaning they don't have the time to find deals. These investors are looking for people like you to find and negotiate deals so they can finance it and share a profit with you. You need to start hanging around with these sorts of people; tell them what you do and build a relationship with them at the networking events, exchange business cards and after the event follow up with everyone the next day via email. You can say things like: "Hi Mr Smith, it was a pleasure to meet you at the property networking event yesterday. It would be great to meet up with you to discuss further business opportunities. Please let me know when you'd be free to meet up." Or you can say things like "There is no free lunch, but there is when I am in town." It all depends on who you deal with. This is just a simple example. If you are good at writing emails you can develop it, but try to keep it short and to the point. Remember: dress to impress; you can never get a second chance at a first impression. Who you hang around with is who you become and your network is your net worth. If you told us how much five of your friends made annually we could predict your salary.
We will name a few places and products where you can raise money for your property investments. Even if you have a lot of money and you start investing, you will eventually run out of money one day. That is why it's very important to raise finances and use other people's money instead of your own. All successful people do the same - they don't use their own money.
Joint Venture (JV)
This is a very good way of building your property portfolio quickly with minimal risk and no capital required. JV partners could be people who you meet at networking events. Some have a lot of time and will bring you good deals, whereas others are very busy but have a lot of cash to invest. If you are working with private investors they will have business experience that can help you. This will be very beneficial when analysing deals, legal issues, profit and loss etc. It is much easier and quicker to build a property business with partners than by yourself. Before entering in any JV agreement, make sure you do your due diligence on the person you are dealing with and consult with your solicitor. JVing with other people has positives and negatives so
The Secret to Building a Successful MLM Network Marketing Home Business - Slow and Steady
By Warren Waite
It is not a myth that you can develop a beyond adequate income through a Network Marketing home business opportunity, the realization is quite real, and the serious do succeed. The problem experienced by many is that after viewing a home business opportunity compensation plan is that they get so blinded by the end achievement result that they do not jar themselves into the reality of how much effort and time it will take to achieve that ultimate goal that we like to call financial freedom. If impulse is what it takes for you to get started, so be it, because you can not cross that goal line if you do not start the race. Once you do get started, you can pretty much trust that as that excitement withers, and it will, is where the real beginning point begins. If you ever wonder why so many fail to succeed in Network Marketing, one major reason is that it is at this point that most stop. They sign on with the expectations that everything would be as easy as it looked and sounded. The Network Marketing business structure and compensation plan for most of the home business opportunity offers are very easy to comprehend. They are also extremely easy to start, but it is not a free ride to fortune, you will have to work to get there.
If you make it through the beginning stages, have a complete and utter grasp on the reality, and you are still willing to pursue your dreams of being a financially successful entrepreneur, congratulations. You have reached the end of the beginning. It is here where you lock in your focus, control your anxiety and discipline yourself to slowly build your home business. It is the entrepreneurs that that take their home business opportunity seriously that eventually realize high income earnings, if you are not having fun with you business at this point, but are working it consistently, that is a good thing, because it is not a game. Mental preparedness is essential, and development of an entrepreneurial mindset is of paramount importance. Entrepreneurs are among the most patient people on the planet. Many rock solid, high income earning businesses are built through a Network Marketing home business opportunity, but they were all built, slow and steady.
A home business opportunity that promises that you will make allot of money quickly is a scam. Building a home based business to prosperity from the ground up takes time. You can create an income that will surpass that of even the most generous paying job, and you can build it part time, but there is no short cut to the reward. Every successful entrepreneur knows that business is a delayed gratification.
We invite you to start an []Ambit Energy business and become a part of the ever expanding opportunity derived through energy deregulation. Become your own first customer or join us at a retail level and become our []Ambit Energy customer. Either way, we would be honored to make your acquaintance.
Article Source: [
It is not a myth that you can develop a beyond adequate income through a Network Marketing home business opportunity, the realization is quite real, and the serious do succeed. The problem experienced by many is that after viewing a home business opportunity compensation plan is that they get so blinded by the end achievement result that they do not jar themselves into the reality of how much effort and time it will take to achieve that ultimate goal that we like to call financial freedom. If impulse is what it takes for you to get started, so be it, because you can not cross that goal line if you do not start the race. Once you do get started, you can pretty much trust that as that excitement withers, and it will, is where the real beginning point begins. If you ever wonder why so many fail to succeed in Network Marketing, one major reason is that it is at this point that most stop. They sign on with the expectations that everything would be as easy as it looked and sounded. The Network Marketing business structure and compensation plan for most of the home business opportunity offers are very easy to comprehend. They are also extremely easy to start, but it is not a free ride to fortune, you will have to work to get there.
If you make it through the beginning stages, have a complete and utter grasp on the reality, and you are still willing to pursue your dreams of being a financially successful entrepreneur, congratulations. You have reached the end of the beginning. It is here where you lock in your focus, control your anxiety and discipline yourself to slowly build your home business. It is the entrepreneurs that that take their home business opportunity seriously that eventually realize high income earnings, if you are not having fun with you business at this point, but are working it consistently, that is a good thing, because it is not a game. Mental preparedness is essential, and development of an entrepreneurial mindset is of paramount importance. Entrepreneurs are among the most patient people on the planet. Many rock solid, high income earning businesses are built through a Network Marketing home business opportunity, but they were all built, slow and steady.
A home business opportunity that promises that you will make allot of money quickly is a scam. Building a home based business to prosperity from the ground up takes time. You can create an income that will surpass that of even the most generous paying job, and you can build it part time, but there is no short cut to the reward. Every successful entrepreneur knows that business is a delayed gratification.
We invite you to start an []Ambit Energy business and become a part of the ever expanding opportunity derived through energy deregulation. Become your own first customer or join us at a retail level and become our []Ambit Energy customer. Either way, we would be honored to make your acquaintance.
Article Source: [
How to Run an Auto Mechanic Business From Home
By John Victor Tan Go
It is very easy to earn money especially for those that have the skills and knowledge. One basic skill that can make you become productive than you are now is the skill and knowledge about machines and automobiles. If you are skillful, have the training and knowledge for these things, then you might want to start learning about how to start your own small business from home that offers auto mechanic services.
It is very easy to earn money especially for those that have the skills and knowledge. One basic skill that can make you become productive than you are now is the skill and knowledge about machines and automobiles. If you are skillful, have the training and knowledge for these things, then you might want to start learning about how to start your own small business from home that offers auto mechanic services.
How to Run an Auto Mechanic Business From Home
By John Victor Tan Go
It is very easy to earn money especially for those that have the skills and knowledge. One basic skill that can make you become productive than you are now is the skill and knowledge about machines and automobiles. If you are skillful, have the training and knowledge for these things, then you might want to start learning about how to start your own small business from home that offers auto mechanic services.
It is very easy to earn money especially for those that have the skills and knowledge. One basic skill that can make you become productive than you are now is the skill and knowledge about machines and automobiles. If you are skillful, have the training and knowledge for these things, then you might want to start learning about how to start your own small business from home that offers auto mechanic services.
How to Run an Auto Mechanic Business From Home
By John Victor Tan Go
It is very easy to earn money especially for those that have the skills and knowledge. One basic skill that can make you become productive than you are now is the skill and knowledge about machines and automobiles. If you are skillful, have the training and knowledge for these things, then you might want to start learning about how to start your own small business from home that offers auto mechanic services.
With the increase in the demand for cars these days, it is no wonder why there are also lots of auto mechanic shops that have also become in demand. Since most people own cars nowadays, more auto mechanic services are also needed. This should be the perfect motivation for you to start your own auto mechanic shop.
A little knowledge about how to run a business from home that offers this type of service can really get you a long way. Besides the increase in the demand for this type of service, most people prefer home based businesses these days because they charge lesser fees and schedules are more flexible.
Starting an auto mechanic shop business from home is ideal for those that have the skills. It is better if you already have a degree in auto machinery or something like that. It will also be best if you have experience from previous jobs that you had. Besides being able to learn how to start your own small business from home, you must also be able to provide your clients the best service. This means that you must know what you are doing.
Another important thing to know is that this is a legitimate []work from home business idea. You won't have to deal with a lot of legalities in starting and running this business. It will be better of you are a licensed auto mechanic but most clients won't really go into those kinds of detail.
You will just need to secure a business permit to operate since you will be setting up a shop at home and in a residential area. You can always ask your local authorities for any additional information that you are not sure about how to run a business from home like this.
Make a list of materials and equipments that you need. This includes basic garage tools which most homes already have. You can invest on advanced tools if you have capital but you can always make use of tools that you already have. Just invest on brand new ones if you already have money available.
The type of service that you offer to your clients is also important. You can either focus on a single service like car check up and fixing basic car troubles. If you have the skills and knowledge, you can go as far as the advanced services like customizing cars. These will all depend on how much you know and what you can actually do.
You will need to allocate a space at home as your work area. Your garage will do. You will also need to make sure that your tools are very well organized for you. Some clients might ask you to do this and that for a limited amount of time. That is why organization is important. You will need to provide the best service and efficiency to your clients. You must ensure that you do your job correctly and quickly. People are too busy with their schedules and careers that they will prefer to have things done quickly.
You will also need to decide on how you will charge your clients. You can coordinate with local auto mechanic shops for the fees that they will charge so that you could base your fees with theirs. You can also research through the internet about local auto mechanic shops about charging fees. You will also need to be flexible on your schedule. You can also coordinate with local towing companies if in case some of your clients would need such services.
Here are a few things that you can do to start your auto mechanic shop business from home.
1. Prepare yourself. You will need to ensure that you know what you are doing. This means that you must review and research.
2. Allocate a space at home for your work area. Your garage is the most ideal work area since you already have your car repair tools organized there. Invest on additional tools that you will need.
3. Coordinate with local towing companies for any special services that you will need to provide to your clients.
4. Decide on how you will charge your clients. You can learn from other local auto mechanic shops in your area.
5. Advertise through local newspapers, the internet and through your friends.
Besides being effective on your job, you must also ensure that you are efficient because clients would expect you to give them the best service.
Looking for strategies, ideas, tips and how-to's to kick start your home based business? Homebizhuddle is your go to source of anything and everything about starting your business from home the right way. Visit us at homebizhuddle [] to start your home based business today!
It is very easy to earn money especially for those that have the skills and knowledge. One basic skill that can make you become productive than you are now is the skill and knowledge about machines and automobiles. If you are skillful, have the training and knowledge for these things, then you might want to start learning about how to start your own small business from home that offers auto mechanic services.
With the increase in the demand for cars these days, it is no wonder why there are also lots of auto mechanic shops that have also become in demand. Since most people own cars nowadays, more auto mechanic services are also needed. This should be the perfect motivation for you to start your own auto mechanic shop.
A little knowledge about how to run a business from home that offers this type of service can really get you a long way. Besides the increase in the demand for this type of service, most people prefer home based businesses these days because they charge lesser fees and schedules are more flexible.
Starting an auto mechanic shop business from home is ideal for those that have the skills. It is better if you already have a degree in auto machinery or something like that. It will also be best if you have experience from previous jobs that you had. Besides being able to learn how to start your own small business from home, you must also be able to provide your clients the best service. This means that you must know what you are doing.
Another important thing to know is that this is a legitimate []work from home business idea. You won't have to deal with a lot of legalities in starting and running this business. It will be better of you are a licensed auto mechanic but most clients won't really go into those kinds of detail.
You will just need to secure a business permit to operate since you will be setting up a shop at home and in a residential area. You can always ask your local authorities for any additional information that you are not sure about how to run a business from home like this.
Make a list of materials and equipments that you need. This includes basic garage tools which most homes already have. You can invest on advanced tools if you have capital but you can always make use of tools that you already have. Just invest on brand new ones if you already have money available.
The type of service that you offer to your clients is also important. You can either focus on a single service like car check up and fixing basic car troubles. If you have the skills and knowledge, you can go as far as the advanced services like customizing cars. These will all depend on how much you know and what you can actually do.
You will need to allocate a space at home as your work area. Your garage will do. You will also need to make sure that your tools are very well organized for you. Some clients might ask you to do this and that for a limited amount of time. That is why organization is important. You will need to provide the best service and efficiency to your clients. You must ensure that you do your job correctly and quickly. People are too busy with their schedules and careers that they will prefer to have things done quickly.
You will also need to decide on how you will charge your clients. You can coordinate with local auto mechanic shops for the fees that they will charge so that you could base your fees with theirs. You can also research through the internet about local auto mechanic shops about charging fees. You will also need to be flexible on your schedule. You can also coordinate with local towing companies if in case some of your clients would need such services.
Here are a few things that you can do to start your auto mechanic shop business from home.
1. Prepare yourself. You will need to ensure that you know what you are doing. This means that you must review and research.
2. Allocate a space at home for your work area. Your garage is the most ideal work area since you already have your car repair tools organized there. Invest on additional tools that you will need.
3. Coordinate with local towing companies for any special services that you will need to provide to your clients.
4. Decide on how you will charge your clients. You can learn from other local auto mechanic shops in your area.
5. Advertise through local newspapers, the internet and through your friends.
Besides being effective on your job, you must also ensure that you are efficient because clients would expect you to give them the best service.
Looking for strategies, ideas, tips and how-to's to kick start your home based business? Homebizhuddle is your go to source of anything and everything about starting your business from home the right way. Visit us at homebizhuddle [] to start your home based business today!
How to Run an Auto Mechanic Business From Home
By John Victor Tan Go
It is very easy to earn money especially for those that have the skills and knowledge. One basic skill that can make you become productive than you are now is the skill and knowledge about machines and automobiles. If you are skillful, have the training and knowledge for these things, then you might want to start learning about how to start your own small business from home that offers auto mechanic services.
With the increase in the demand for cars these days, it is no wonder why there are also lots of auto mechanic shops that have also become in demand. Since most people own cars nowadays, more auto mechanic services are also needed. This should be the perfect motivation for you to start your own auto mechanic shop.
A little knowledge about how to run a business from home that offers this type of service can really get you a long way. Besides the increase in the demand for this type of service, most people prefer home based businesses these days because they charge lesser fees and schedules are more flexible.
Starting an auto mechanic shop business from home is ideal for those that have the skills. It is better if you already have a degree in auto machinery or something like that. It will also be best if you have experience from previous jobs that you had. Besides being able to learn how to start your own small business from home, you must also be able to provide your clients the best service. This means that you must know what you are doing.
Another important thing to know is that this is a legitimate []work from home business idea. You won't have to deal with a lot of legalities in starting and running this business. It will be better of you are a licensed auto mechanic but most clients won't really go into those kinds of detail.
You will just need to secure a business permit to operate since you will be setting up a shop at home and in a residential area. You can always ask your local authorities for any additional information that you are not sure about how to run a business from home like this.
Make a list of materials and equipments that you need. This includes basic garage tools which most homes already have. You can invest on advanced tools if you have capital but you can always make use of tools that you already have. Just invest on brand new ones if you already have money available.
The type of service that you offer to your clients is also important. You can either focus on a single service like car check up and fixing basic car troubles. If you have the skills and knowledge, you can go as far as the advanced services like customizing cars. These will all depend on how much you know and what you can actually do.
You will need to allocate a space at home as your work area. Your garage will do. You will also need to make sure that your tools are very well organized for you. Some clients might ask you to do this and that for a limited amount of time. That is why organization is important. You will need to provide the best service and efficiency to your clients. You must ensure that you do your job correctly and quickly. People are too busy with their schedules and careers that they will prefer to have things done quickly.
You will also need to decide on how you will charge your clients. You can coordinate with local auto mechanic shops for the fees that they will charge so that you could base your fees with theirs. You can also research through the internet about local auto mechanic shops about charging fees. You will also need to be flexible on your schedule. You can also coordinate with local towing companies if in case some of your clients would need such services.
Here are a few things that you can do to start your auto mechanic shop business from home.
1. Prepare yourself. You will need to ensure that you know what you are doing. This means that you must review and research.
2. Allocate a space at home for your work area. Your garage is the most ideal work area since you already have your car repair tools organized there. Invest on additional tools that you will need.
3. Coordinate with local towing companies for any special services that you will need to provide to your clients.
4. Decide on how you will charge your clients. You can learn from other local auto mechanic shops in your area.
5. Advertise through local newspapers, the internet and through your friends.
Besides being effective on your job, you must also ensure that you are efficient because clients would expect you to give them the best service.
Looking for strategies, ideas, tips and how-to's to kick start your home based business? Homebizhuddle is your go to source of anything and everything about starting your business from home the right way. Visit us at homebizhuddle [] to start your home based business today!
It is very easy to earn money especially for those that have the skills and knowledge. One basic skill that can make you become productive than you are now is the skill and knowledge about machines and automobiles. If you are skillful, have the training and knowledge for these things, then you might want to start learning about how to start your own small business from home that offers auto mechanic services.
With the increase in the demand for cars these days, it is no wonder why there are also lots of auto mechanic shops that have also become in demand. Since most people own cars nowadays, more auto mechanic services are also needed. This should be the perfect motivation for you to start your own auto mechanic shop.
A little knowledge about how to run a business from home that offers this type of service can really get you a long way. Besides the increase in the demand for this type of service, most people prefer home based businesses these days because they charge lesser fees and schedules are more flexible.
Starting an auto mechanic shop business from home is ideal for those that have the skills. It is better if you already have a degree in auto machinery or something like that. It will also be best if you have experience from previous jobs that you had. Besides being able to learn how to start your own small business from home, you must also be able to provide your clients the best service. This means that you must know what you are doing.
Another important thing to know is that this is a legitimate []work from home business idea. You won't have to deal with a lot of legalities in starting and running this business. It will be better of you are a licensed auto mechanic but most clients won't really go into those kinds of detail.
You will just need to secure a business permit to operate since you will be setting up a shop at home and in a residential area. You can always ask your local authorities for any additional information that you are not sure about how to run a business from home like this.
Make a list of materials and equipments that you need. This includes basic garage tools which most homes already have. You can invest on advanced tools if you have capital but you can always make use of tools that you already have. Just invest on brand new ones if you already have money available.
The type of service that you offer to your clients is also important. You can either focus on a single service like car check up and fixing basic car troubles. If you have the skills and knowledge, you can go as far as the advanced services like customizing cars. These will all depend on how much you know and what you can actually do.
You will need to allocate a space at home as your work area. Your garage will do. You will also need to make sure that your tools are very well organized for you. Some clients might ask you to do this and that for a limited amount of time. That is why organization is important. You will need to provide the best service and efficiency to your clients. You must ensure that you do your job correctly and quickly. People are too busy with their schedules and careers that they will prefer to have things done quickly.
You will also need to decide on how you will charge your clients. You can coordinate with local auto mechanic shops for the fees that they will charge so that you could base your fees with theirs. You can also research through the internet about local auto mechanic shops about charging fees. You will also need to be flexible on your schedule. You can also coordinate with local towing companies if in case some of your clients would need such services.
Here are a few things that you can do to start your auto mechanic shop business from home.
1. Prepare yourself. You will need to ensure that you know what you are doing. This means that you must review and research.
2. Allocate a space at home for your work area. Your garage is the most ideal work area since you already have your car repair tools organized there. Invest on additional tools that you will need.
3. Coordinate with local towing companies for any special services that you will need to provide to your clients.
4. Decide on how you will charge your clients. You can learn from other local auto mechanic shops in your area.
5. Advertise through local newspapers, the internet and through your friends.
Besides being effective on your job, you must also ensure that you are efficient because clients would expect you to give them the best service.
Looking for strategies, ideas, tips and how-to's to kick start your home based business? Homebizhuddle is your go to source of anything and everything about starting your business from home the right way. Visit us at homebizhuddle [] to start your home based business today!
How to Run an Auto Mechanic Business From Home
By John Victor Tan Go
It is very easy to earn money especially for those that have the skills and knowledge. One basic skill that can make you become productive than you are now is the skill and knowledge about machines and automobiles. If you are skillful, have the training and knowledge for these things, then you might want to start learning about how to start your own small business from home that offers auto mechanic services.
With the increase in the demand for cars these days, it is no wonder why there are also lots of auto mechanic shops that have also become in demand. Since most people own cars nowadays, more auto mechanic services are also needed. This should be the perfect motivation for you to start your own auto mechanic shop.
A little knowledge about how to run a business from home that offers this type of service can really get you a long way. Besides the increase in the demand for this type of service, most people prefer home based businesses these days because they charge lesser fees and schedules are more flexible.
Starting an auto mechanic shop business from home is ideal for those that have the skills. It is better if you already have a degree in auto machinery or something like that. It will also be best if you have experience from previous jobs that you had. Besides being able to learn how to start your own small business from home, you must also be able to provide your clients the best service. This means that you must know what you are doing.
Another important thing to know is that this is a legitimate []work from home business idea. You won't have to deal with a lot of legalities in starting and running this business. It will be better of you are a licensed auto mechanic but most clients won't really go into those kinds of detail.
You will just need to secure a business permit to operate since you will be setting up a shop at home and in a residential area. You can always ask your local authorities for any additional information that you are not sure about how to run a business from home like this.
Make a list of materials and equipments that you need. This includes basic garage tools which most homes already have. You can invest on advanced tools if you have capital but you can always make use of tools that you already have. Just invest on brand new ones if you already have money available.
The type of service that you offer to your clients is also important. You can either focus on a single service like car check up and fixing basic car troubles. If you have the skills and knowledge, you can go as far as the advanced services like customizing cars. These will all depend on how much you know and what you can actually do.
You will need to allocate a space at home as your work area. Your garage will do. You will also need to make sure that your tools are very well organized for you. Some clients might ask you to do this and that for a limited amount of time. That is why organization is important. You will need to provide the best service and efficiency to your clients. You must ensure that you do your job correctly and quickly. People are too busy with their schedules and careers that they will prefer to have things done quickly.
You will also need to decide on how you will charge your clients. You can coordinate with local auto mechanic shops for the fees that they will charge so that you could base your fees with theirs. You can also research through the internet about local auto mechanic shops about charging fees. You will also need to be flexible on your schedule. You can also coordinate with local towing companies if in case some of your clients would need such services.
Here are a few things that you can do to start your auto mechanic shop business from home.
1. Prepare yourself. You will need to ensure that you know what you are doing. This means that you must review and research.
2. Allocate a space at home for your work area. Your garage is the most ideal work area since you already have your car repair tools organized there. Invest on additional tools that you will need.
3. Coordinate with local towing companies for any special services that you will need to provide to your clients.
4. Decide on how you will charge your clients. You can learn from other local auto mechanic shops in your area.
5. Advertise through local newspapers, the internet and through your friends.
Besides being effective on your job, you must also ensure that you are efficient because clients would expect you to give them the best service.
Looking for strategies, ideas, tips and how-to's to kick start your home based business? Homebizhuddle is your go to source of anything and everything about starting your business from home the right way. Visit us at homebizhuddle [] to start your home based business today!
It is very easy to earn money especially for those that have the skills and knowledge. One basic skill that can make you become productive than you are now is the skill and knowledge about machines and automobiles. If you are skillful, have the training and knowledge for these things, then you might want to start learning about how to start your own small business from home that offers auto mechanic services.
With the increase in the demand for cars these days, it is no wonder why there are also lots of auto mechanic shops that have also become in demand. Since most people own cars nowadays, more auto mechanic services are also needed. This should be the perfect motivation for you to start your own auto mechanic shop.
A little knowledge about how to run a business from home that offers this type of service can really get you a long way. Besides the increase in the demand for this type of service, most people prefer home based businesses these days because they charge lesser fees and schedules are more flexible.
Starting an auto mechanic shop business from home is ideal for those that have the skills. It is better if you already have a degree in auto machinery or something like that. It will also be best if you have experience from previous jobs that you had. Besides being able to learn how to start your own small business from home, you must also be able to provide your clients the best service. This means that you must know what you are doing.
Another important thing to know is that this is a legitimate []work from home business idea. You won't have to deal with a lot of legalities in starting and running this business. It will be better of you are a licensed auto mechanic but most clients won't really go into those kinds of detail.
You will just need to secure a business permit to operate since you will be setting up a shop at home and in a residential area. You can always ask your local authorities for any additional information that you are not sure about how to run a business from home like this.
Make a list of materials and equipments that you need. This includes basic garage tools which most homes already have. You can invest on advanced tools if you have capital but you can always make use of tools that you already have. Just invest on brand new ones if you already have money available.
The type of service that you offer to your clients is also important. You can either focus on a single service like car check up and fixing basic car troubles. If you have the skills and knowledge, you can go as far as the advanced services like customizing cars. These will all depend on how much you know and what you can actually do.
You will need to allocate a space at home as your work area. Your garage will do. You will also need to make sure that your tools are very well organized for you. Some clients might ask you to do this and that for a limited amount of time. That is why organization is important. You will need to provide the best service and efficiency to your clients. You must ensure that you do your job correctly and quickly. People are too busy with their schedules and careers that they will prefer to have things done quickly.
You will also need to decide on how you will charge your clients. You can coordinate with local auto mechanic shops for the fees that they will charge so that you could base your fees with theirs. You can also research through the internet about local auto mechanic shops about charging fees. You will also need to be flexible on your schedule. You can also coordinate with local towing companies if in case some of your clients would need such services.
Here are a few things that you can do to start your auto mechanic shop business from home.
1. Prepare yourself. You will need to ensure that you know what you are doing. This means that you must review and research.
2. Allocate a space at home for your work area. Your garage is the most ideal work area since you already have your car repair tools organized there. Invest on additional tools that you will need.
3. Coordinate with local towing companies for any special services that you will need to provide to your clients.
4. Decide on how you will charge your clients. You can learn from other local auto mechanic shops in your area.
5. Advertise through local newspapers, the internet and through your friends.
Besides being effective on your job, you must also ensure that you are efficient because clients would expect you to give them the best service.
Looking for strategies, ideas, tips and how-to's to kick start your home based business? Homebizhuddle is your go to source of anything and everything about starting your business from home the right way. Visit us at homebizhuddle [] to start your home based business today!
How to Run an Auto Mechanic Business From Home
By John Victor Tan Go
It is very easy to earn money especially for those that have the skills and knowledge. One basic skill that can make you become productive than you are now is the skill and knowledge about machines and automobiles. If you are skillful, have the training and knowledge for these things, then you might want to start learning about how to start your own small business from home that offers auto mechanic services.
With the increase in the demand for cars these days, it is no wonder why there are also lots of auto mechanic shops that have also become in demand. Since most people own cars nowadays, more auto mechanic services are also needed. This should be the perfect motivation for you to start your own auto mechanic shop.
A little knowledge about how to run a business from home that offers this type of service can really get you a long way. Besides the increase in the demand for this type of service, most people prefer home based businesses these days because they charge lesser fees and schedules are more flexible.
Starting an auto mechanic shop business from home is ideal for those that have the skills. It is better if you already have a degree in auto machinery or something like that. It will also be best if you have experience from previous jobs that you had. Besides being able to learn how to start your own small business from home, you must also be able to provide your clients the best service. This means that you must know what you are doing.
Another important thing to know is that this is a legitimate []work from home business idea. You won't have to deal with a lot of legalities in starting and running this business. It will be better of you are a licensed auto mechanic but most clients won't really go into those kinds of detail.
You will just need to secure a business permit to operate since you will be setting up a shop at home and in a residential area. You can always ask your local authorities for any additional information that you are not sure about how to run a business from home like this.
Make a list of materials and equipments that you need. This includes basic garage tools which most homes already have. You can invest on advanced tools if you have capital but you can always make use of tools that you already have. Just invest on brand new ones if you already have money available.
The type of service that you offer to your clients is also important. You can either focus on a single service like car check up and fixing basic car troubles. If you have the skills and knowledge, you can go as far as the advanced services like customizing cars. These will all depend on how much you know and what you can actually do.
You will need to allocate a space at home as your work area. Your garage will do. You will also need to make sure that your tools are very well organized for you. Some clients might ask you to do this and that for a limited amount of time. That is why organization is important. You will need to provide the best service and efficiency to your clients. You must ensure that you do your job correctly and quickly. People are too busy with their schedules and careers that they will prefer to have things done quickly.
You will also need to decide on how you will charge your clients. You can coordinate with local auto mechanic shops for the fees that they will charge so that you could base your fees with theirs. You can also research through the internet about local auto mechanic shops about charging fees. You will also need to be flexible on your schedule. You can also coordinate with local towing companies if in case some of your clients would need such services.
Here are a few things that you can do to start your auto mechanic shop business from home.
1. Prepare yourself. You will need to ensure that you know what you are doing. This means that you must review and research.
2. Allocate a space at home for your work area. Your garage is the most ideal work area since you already have your car repair tools organized there. Invest on additional tools that you will need.
3. Coordinate with local towing companies for any special services that you will need to provide to your clients.
4. Decide on how you will charge your clients. You can learn from other local auto mechanic shops in your area.
5. Advertise through local newspapers, the internet and through your friends.
Besides being effective on your job, you must also ensure that you are efficient because clients would expect you to give them the best service.
Looking for strategies, ideas, tips and how-to's to kick start your home based business? Homebizhuddle is your go to source of anything and everything about starting your business from home the right way. Visit us at homebizhuddle [] to start your home based business today!
It is very easy to earn money especially for those that have the skills and knowledge. One basic skill that can make you become productive than you are now is the skill and knowledge about machines and automobiles. If you are skillful, have the training and knowledge for these things, then you might want to start learning about how to start your own small business from home that offers auto mechanic services.
With the increase in the demand for cars these days, it is no wonder why there are also lots of auto mechanic shops that have also become in demand. Since most people own cars nowadays, more auto mechanic services are also needed. This should be the perfect motivation for you to start your own auto mechanic shop.
A little knowledge about how to run a business from home that offers this type of service can really get you a long way. Besides the increase in the demand for this type of service, most people prefer home based businesses these days because they charge lesser fees and schedules are more flexible.
Starting an auto mechanic shop business from home is ideal for those that have the skills. It is better if you already have a degree in auto machinery or something like that. It will also be best if you have experience from previous jobs that you had. Besides being able to learn how to start your own small business from home, you must also be able to provide your clients the best service. This means that you must know what you are doing.
Another important thing to know is that this is a legitimate []work from home business idea. You won't have to deal with a lot of legalities in starting and running this business. It will be better of you are a licensed auto mechanic but most clients won't really go into those kinds of detail.
You will just need to secure a business permit to operate since you will be setting up a shop at home and in a residential area. You can always ask your local authorities for any additional information that you are not sure about how to run a business from home like this.
Make a list of materials and equipments that you need. This includes basic garage tools which most homes already have. You can invest on advanced tools if you have capital but you can always make use of tools that you already have. Just invest on brand new ones if you already have money available.
The type of service that you offer to your clients is also important. You can either focus on a single service like car check up and fixing basic car troubles. If you have the skills and knowledge, you can go as far as the advanced services like customizing cars. These will all depend on how much you know and what you can actually do.
You will need to allocate a space at home as your work area. Your garage will do. You will also need to make sure that your tools are very well organized for you. Some clients might ask you to do this and that for a limited amount of time. That is why organization is important. You will need to provide the best service and efficiency to your clients. You must ensure that you do your job correctly and quickly. People are too busy with their schedules and careers that they will prefer to have things done quickly.
You will also need to decide on how you will charge your clients. You can coordinate with local auto mechanic shops for the fees that they will charge so that you could base your fees with theirs. You can also research through the internet about local auto mechanic shops about charging fees. You will also need to be flexible on your schedule. You can also coordinate with local towing companies if in case some of your clients would need such services.
Here are a few things that you can do to start your auto mechanic shop business from home.
1. Prepare yourself. You will need to ensure that you know what you are doing. This means that you must review and research.
2. Allocate a space at home for your work area. Your garage is the most ideal work area since you already have your car repair tools organized there. Invest on additional tools that you will need.
3. Coordinate with local towing companies for any special services that you will need to provide to your clients.
4. Decide on how you will charge your clients. You can learn from other local auto mechanic shops in your area.
5. Advertise through local newspapers, the internet and through your friends.
Besides being effective on your job, you must also ensure that you are efficient because clients would expect you to give them the best service.
Looking for strategies, ideas, tips and how-to's to kick start your home based business? Homebizhuddle is your go to source of anything and everything about starting your business from home the right way. Visit us at homebizhuddle [] to start your home based business today!
The Future of Affiliate Marketing As a Career Choice
By ]Kourtney Hunt
Almost every kind of business today has an online presence and there are mechanisms that allow for online money transfers. It has therefore become very easy to purchase inventory, pay workers and receive goods and services without moving from where you are seated. The internet has made it possible for anybody to setup an easy online home based business.
Stay at home parents, students and senior citizens who still have the strength to work but are locked out from formal employment by their age can still live productive lives. Online entrepreneurship not only provides a platform for offering services to people in different parts of the world but also provides a steady source of income.
There are as many forms of online entrepreneurial activities as there are products and services to be sold. One of the most popular and fastest rising is affiliate marketing. The core principle of affiliate marketing is that the more people you covert, the more you earn.
You can start a career path in affiliate marketing with absolutely nothing in your hands. This means that you do not have to have product neither do you need money. Armed with just a computer with access to the internet, your first step would be to identify companies who have products and services to sell for a fee. By directing people to these companies' website, every sale made out of your efforts earns you an income.
With the benefits that affiliate marketing brings to an organization's sales, this is not a marketing tool that is going away soon. Companies like conversions made from affiliate marketing because it means that potential customers are made of the existence every day. The power that affiliate marketing has of word of mouth advertising is simply phenomenal.
Without leaving the house, affiliate marketing has proven that people can still make a decent living out of selling products that belongs to other people. It however takes patience and resilience to live off of affiliate marketing and people who have been in this field for a long time are witness to this. The best time to start is while still in school or before you become desperate for a source of livelihood.
There are many resources available on the web on how to start a career online. Many success stories of people who started and are reaping the benefits are also available to offer encouragement and insight into the dos and don'ts that build a successful career.
Thank you for reading the article. If you would like to learn a little more making money online through marketing and the benefits of working from home check out:
Almost every kind of business today has an online presence and there are mechanisms that allow for online money transfers. It has therefore become very easy to purchase inventory, pay workers and receive goods and services without moving from where you are seated. The internet has made it possible for anybody to setup an easy online home based business.
Stay at home parents, students and senior citizens who still have the strength to work but are locked out from formal employment by their age can still live productive lives. Online entrepreneurship not only provides a platform for offering services to people in different parts of the world but also provides a steady source of income.
There are as many forms of online entrepreneurial activities as there are products and services to be sold. One of the most popular and fastest rising is affiliate marketing. The core principle of affiliate marketing is that the more people you covert, the more you earn.
You can start a career path in affiliate marketing with absolutely nothing in your hands. This means that you do not have to have product neither do you need money. Armed with just a computer with access to the internet, your first step would be to identify companies who have products and services to sell for a fee. By directing people to these companies' website, every sale made out of your efforts earns you an income.
With the benefits that affiliate marketing brings to an organization's sales, this is not a marketing tool that is going away soon. Companies like conversions made from affiliate marketing because it means that potential customers are made of the existence every day. The power that affiliate marketing has of word of mouth advertising is simply phenomenal.
Without leaving the house, affiliate marketing has proven that people can still make a decent living out of selling products that belongs to other people. It however takes patience and resilience to live off of affiliate marketing and people who have been in this field for a long time are witness to this. The best time to start is while still in school or before you become desperate for a source of livelihood.
There are many resources available on the web on how to start a career online. Many success stories of people who started and are reaping the benefits are also available to offer encouragement and insight into the dos and don'ts that build a successful career.
Thank you for reading the article. If you would like to learn a little more making money online through marketing and the benefits of working from home check out:
How To Make Money Through Affiliate Marketing Programs
By ]Henk J Matthee
Affiliate marketing programs allow people to make money online fast. An affiliate marketer earns by promoting specific websites or products in exchange for commissions from the traffic one generates. Any time a recommendation from an affiliate leads to a sale, the affiliate is given a portion of the sales.
In simple terms, the services or products are offered by others, and the affiliate serves as a marketing outlet. The best affiliate programs provide you opportunities to make money fast. By learning how affiliate marketing programs work, you will be able to start a home based business that will help you earn a lot of money in no time.
Decide on a Business Model
There are two types of business models that affiliate marketers can choose from. These are a review site and a resource site. The latter embeds an affiliate link or an advertising unit into posts and articles. It requires frequent updates to make customers regularly go to the website. A review site features reviews of products and/or services that the marketer has tried. The review will contain a link or an ad that will direct readers to the website of the partner. A review website requires less updates.
Develop a Website
The next step on how to make money as an affiliate marketer is to have an online platform. This can be a blog or a personal website. This is where you will be posting links to your affiliate products and services. If you already have a blog or a website, then you can use it to start earning as an affiliate marketer.
There are blog sites that are free, while some websites need fee to operate and maintain. The good news is that there are web hosts that offer affordable website services. Websites also look more professional than a blog.
There are affiliate marketing programs that provide a free platform for advertising products and services. There are also some affiliate programs that offer pay per click programs without the need of a blog or a website. Links can be shared through social media, and it will direct people straight to the merchant partner's site and not a landing page that you have created.
Find a Niche
As an affiliate marketer, you need to choose a niche. This is the area where you will specialise in. You don't need to be an expert in that area. You just need to be enthusiastic and willing to learn about it.
The best affiliate programs are willing to help your home-based business grow. It is important that you find the right program that offers products and services that are related to your chosen niche. The amount of work you need to put in and the products you are going to product depends on your chosen niche.
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Affiliate marketing programs allow people to make money online fast. An affiliate marketer earns by promoting specific websites or products in exchange for commissions from the traffic one generates. Any time a recommendation from an affiliate leads to a sale, the affiliate is given a portion of the sales.
In simple terms, the services or products are offered by others, and the affiliate serves as a marketing outlet. The best affiliate programs provide you opportunities to make money fast. By learning how affiliate marketing programs work, you will be able to start a home based business that will help you earn a lot of money in no time.
Decide on a Business Model
There are two types of business models that affiliate marketers can choose from. These are a review site and a resource site. The latter embeds an affiliate link or an advertising unit into posts and articles. It requires frequent updates to make customers regularly go to the website. A review site features reviews of products and/or services that the marketer has tried. The review will contain a link or an ad that will direct readers to the website of the partner. A review website requires less updates.
Develop a Website
The next step on how to make money as an affiliate marketer is to have an online platform. This can be a blog or a personal website. This is where you will be posting links to your affiliate products and services. If you already have a blog or a website, then you can use it to start earning as an affiliate marketer.
There are blog sites that are free, while some websites need fee to operate and maintain. The good news is that there are web hosts that offer affordable website services. Websites also look more professional than a blog.
There are affiliate marketing programs that provide a free platform for advertising products and services. There are also some affiliate programs that offer pay per click programs without the need of a blog or a website. Links can be shared through social media, and it will direct people straight to the merchant partner's site and not a landing page that you have created.
Find a Niche
As an affiliate marketer, you need to choose a niche. This is the area where you will specialise in. You don't need to be an expert in that area. You just need to be enthusiastic and willing to learn about it.
The best affiliate programs are willing to help your home-based business grow. It is important that you find the right program that offers products and services that are related to your chosen niche. The amount of work you need to put in and the products you are going to product depends on your chosen niche.
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