E-cooperative is a simple system that enable members raise the money they seek for any business project, make money from their venture, show them ideas on how to manage the money they have made, and of course show them how that money can be multiplied using various financial instruments. There are two sides to ecooperative and you can choose which one you want to be involved in. The first side is the multilevel part of ecooperative. The second side is the business part.
Some of the services that ecooperative renders are – Fundraising through cooperative, Online and offline business development, Internet marketing and training, Online Advertising, Agro-economic ventures, Financial Empowerment services, Hire purchase service, Micro-credit, eCommerce/Online Shopping and Skill Acquisition training.

How to join e-Cooperative

Joining e-Cooperative is absolutely free. However, to be part of
the network of people who are developing themselves and building
their wealth through e-cooperative, you need a sponsor.CLICK TO REGISTER WITH ME HERE

How it works

A sponsor is someone who invited you and is already in the network. He is as a referral link in which you can register. You are to contribute ₦1000 into your sponsor’s business.

How to Make Money from e-Cooperative

For you to be part of this business, you need the following.
  1. A Nigerian bank account.
  2. A phone number.
  3. An e-mail address [optional].

Diagram of the MLM Dimension

Stage 1

You give Jane [your sponsor] ₦1,000 and invite 4 persons to join you in the cooperative. This four persons will give you ₦1,000 each amounting to N4,000.
To move to level 2, you CLICK on upgrade and Anie’s account details appear. Note that the figurative Anie in the above diagram is the person who brought your sponsor [Jane]. You give ₦2,500 to Anie, and when the 16 persons that your initial 4 persons want to upgrade to level 2, you will receive ₦2, 500 from each 16 persons. What that means is that you will earn ₦40,000.
When you give Ifiok [the third person above] ₦5,000, you will receive ₦320,000 from your 64 persons when they are moving up to level 3.
When you give Emma [the fourth person above you] ₦10,000, your 256 persons when moving up to level 4 will give you ₦10,000 each summing up to ₦2,560,000.

Stage 2

The second stage is automatic. When you give Jane [your sponsor] N25,000 naira for level 5, you will receive N100,000 from your 4 down lines. When you give Anie N50,000 for level 6, you will receive N800,000 from your 16 persons. When you give N90,000 to Ifiok [your third person], you will receive N5,760,000 from your 64 persons. And finally, when you give N175,000 to Emma for level 8, you will receive N44,800,000 [Forty four million eight hundred thousand Naira] , and then you circle out.
You can choose to get into the system as many times as you like.







ON TWITTER  @ barsagacity

Entrepreneurial Passion

If you spend a little time with a group of entrepreneurs you will be struck by the energy that emanates from these people.
They all have it... it is a passion for what they do, a hunger to succeed and a willingness to do what it takes!
Without that enthusiasm it would be easy to give up because success comes only on the back of hard work and perseverance!
"Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success." Biz Stone, Twitter co-founder
I remember listening to an entrepreneur describe some of his experiences a number of years ago. He had a great description for the entrepreneur who is immersed in that start-up period (which can last years) when money is tight, customers are scarce and failure seems imminent. He called it the "raccoon look"... the dark circles around the eyes, and a haunted look that comes from long hours of work, high stress and little sleep. He talked about late nights in airports bumping into other "raccoons' and the understanding that these were likeminded people.
When we started Eagle I can remember one of my partners asking me how things were going, with a sympathetic look on his face. I answered that things were great, but why was he asking. He told me that in the last several months I seemed to have aged to the point where he thought I looked like my dad!
More than 17 years later I don't have the challenges of a start up... but I still have the passion for the business. I'm still taking early flights out and late flights back to maximise my time on the road, still staying in "reasonable hotels" and travelling coach to ensure that I don't develop a taste for the "easy life"... because that is the slippery slope!
"The most dangerous poison is the feeling of achievement. The antidote is to every evening think what can be done better tomorrow." Ingvar Kamprad, IKEA founder
Owning and running a business requires stamina and when the passion wanes, the hunger is no longer there and you a no longer willing to do whatever it takes... then you are beginning to lose!
There will always be hungry, passionate competitors and successful companies need to stay lean, stay hungry and stay passionate in order to survive for the long term.
So... if you want to be an entrepreneur be aware of the commitment that is needed, not just to get going but to keep going for the long haul!

Problems & challenges faced by small scale enterprises – A Case Analysis

        An enterprise is an undertaking, especially one of some scope, complication and risk. It is a business organisation, which is undertaken, something attempted to be performed a projected which involves activity, courage, energy and the like. A business which is running in a small level with less capital is termed as small scale enterprises. A Small scale enterprises plays a significant role in the development of the economy, it contributed significantly to the national income and provides employment opportunities to the large number of people in rural economy. Capital shortage is the most important problem faced by Indian Economy in introducing latest technology, other than this there are many other problems faced by them.
Problems of Women Entrepreneurs in India:
  • Low-level risk taking attitude is another factor affecting women folk decision to get into business. Though the risk tolerance ability of the women folk in day-to-day life is high compared to male members, while in business it is found opposite to that
  • The confidence to travel across day and night and even different regions and states are less found in women compared to male entrepreneurs. This shows the low level freedom of expression and freedom of mobility of the women entrepreneurs.
  • The interest of the family members is a determinant factor in the realization of women folk business aspirations.
  • The financial institutions discourage women entrepreneurs on the belief that they can at any time leave their business and become housewives again. The result is that they are forced to rely on their own savings, and loan from relatives and family friends.
Problems faced by small scale businesses:
            Small businesses often face a variety of problems related to their size. A frequent cause of bankruptcy is undercapitalization. This is often a result of poor planning rather than economic conditions. Small businesses face a number of challenges. From the startup phase to maintaining the business to growing the business, entrepreneurs need to constantly face a number of challenges, some of which are unique to small businesses. Foremost of course of these challenges is ensuring that the business survives.
Challenges faced by a small scale entrepreneur: A Case Analysis:
            Small – scale industries in India could not progress satisfactorily due to various problems that they are confronted with while running enterprises. In spite of having huge potentials, the major problems, small scale industries faced are:
1.      Problem of skilled manpower:
            The success of a small enterprise resolves around the entrepreneur and its employees, provided the employees are skilled and efficient. Because of inefficient human factor and unskilled manpower create innumerable problems for the survival of small industries. Non- availability of adequate skilled manpower in the rural sector poses problem to small – scale industries.
2.      Inadequate credit assistance:
            Adequate and timely supply of credit facilities is an important problem faced by small – scale industries. This is partly due to scarcity of capital and partly due to weak creditworthiness of the small units in the country.
3.      Irregular supply of raw materials:
            Small units face severe problems in procuring the raw materials whether they use locally available raw materials or imported raw materials. The problems arise due to faulty and irregular supply of raw materials. Non- availability of sufficient quantity of raw materials, sometimes poor quality of raw materials, and increased cost of raw materials, foreign exchange crisis and above all lack of knowledge of entrepreneurs regarding government policy are other few hindrances for small – scale sector.
4.      Absence of organized marketing:
                        Another problem faced by small – scale units is the absence of organised    marketing system. In the absence of organised marketing, their products compare       unfavourably with the quality of the product of large scale units. They also fail to get          adequate information about consumer's choice, taste and preferences of the type of             product. The above problems do not allow them to stay in the market.
5.      Lack of machinery and equipment:
            Small – scale units are striving hard to employ modern machineries and equipment in their process of production in order to complete their large industries. Most of the small units employ outdated and traditional technology and equipment. Lack of appropriate technology and equipment create a major stumbling block for the growth of small – scale industries.
6.      Absence of adequate infrastructure:
            Indian economy is characterized by inadequate infrastructure which is the major problems for small units to grow. Most of the small units and industrial estates found in towns and cities are having one or more problems like lack of power supply, water and drainage problems, poor roads, raw materials and marketing problems. Thus absence of adequate infrastructure adversely affects the quality, quantity and production schedule of the enterprises which ultimately results in under – utilization of capacity.
7.      Competition from large – scale units and imported articles:
            Small scale units find it very difficult to compete with the product of large – scale units and imported articles which are comparatively very cheap and of better quality than small units' product.
Other problems faced by the small scale enterprises:
  • Small businesses often face a variety of problems related to their size. A frequent cause of bankruptcy is undercapitalization. This is often a result of poor planning rather than economic conditions - it is common rule of thumb that the entrepreneur should have access to a sum of money at least equal to the projected revenue for the first year of business in addition to his anticipated expenses. For example, if the prospective owner thinks that he will generate $100,000 in revenues in the first year with $150,000 in start-up expenses, then he should have not less than $250,000 available. Failure to provide this level of funding for the company could leave the owner liable for all of the company's debt should he end up in bankruptcy court, under the theory of undercapitalization.
  •  In addition to ensuring that the business has enough capital, the small business owner must also be mindful of contribution margin (sales minus variable costs). To break even, the business must be able to reach a level of sales where the contribution margin equals fixed costs. When they first start out, many small business owners under price their products to a point where even at their maximum capacity, it would be impossible to break even. Cost controls or price increases often resolve this problem.
  •  In the United States, some of the largest concerns of small business owners are insurance costs (such as liability and health), rising energy costs, taxes and taxcompliance. In the United Kingdom and Australia, small business owners tend to be more concerned with excessive governmental red tape.
  • Another problem for many small businesses is termed the 'Entrepreneurial Myth' or E-Myth. The mythic assumption is that an expert in a given technical field will also be expert at running that kind of business. Additional business management skills are needed to keep a business running smoothly.
  • Still another problem for many small businesses is the capacity of much larger businesses to influence or sometimes determine their chances for success.
Small business bankruptcy
         When small business fails, the owner may file bankruptcy. In most cases this can be handled through a personal bankruptcy filing. Corporations can file bankruptcy, but if it is out of business and valuable corporate assets are likely to be repossessed by secured creditors there is little advantage to going to the expense of a corporate bankruptcy. Many states offer exemptions for small business assets so they can continue to operate during and after personal bankruptcy. However, corporate assets are normally not exempt; hence it may be more difficult to continue operating an incorporated business if the owner files bankruptcy.
Social Responsibility
         Small businesses can encounter several problems related to corporate social responsibility due to characteristics inherent in their construction. Owners of small businesses often participate heavily in the day-to-day operations of their companies. This results in a lack of time for the owner to coordinate socially responsible efforts. Additionally, a small business owner's expertise often falls outside the realm of socially responsible practices contributing to a lack of participation. Small businesses also face a form of peer pressure from larger forces in their respective industries making it difficult to oppose and work against industry expectations. Furthermore, small businesses undergo stress from shareholder expectations. Because small businesses have more personal relationships with their patrons and local shareholders they must also be prepared to withstand closer scrutiny if they want to share in the benefits of committing to socially responsible practices or not.
Job Quality
          While small businesses employ over half the workforce and have been established as a main driving force behind job creation the quality of the jobs these businesses create has been called into question. Small businesses generally employ individuals from the Secondary labor market. As a result, in the U.S. wages are 49% higher for employees of large firms. Additionally, many small businesses struggle or are unable to provide employees with benefits they would be given at larger firms. Research from the U.S. Small Business Administration indicates that employees of large firms are 17% more likely to receive benefits including salary, paid leave, paid holidays, bonuses, insurance, and retirement plans. Both lower wages and fewer benefits combine to create a job turnover rate among U.S. small businesses that is 3 times higher than large firms. Employees of small businesses also must adapt to the higher failure rate of small firms. In the U.S. 69% last at least 2 years, but this percentage drops to 51% for firms reaching 5 years in operation. U.S. Small Business Administration counts companies with as much as $35.5 million in sales and 1,500 employees, depending on the industry. Outside government, companies with less than $7 million in sales and fewer than 500 employees are widely considered small businesses.
Major challenges facing while starting a new small scale business:
1. Developing the Vision and Business Idea
2. Raising Capital for your Startup
3. Assembling a Business Team
4. Finding the Right Business Location
5. Finding Good Employees
6. Finding Good Customers
7. Dealing with Competition
8. Unforeseen Business Challenges and Expenses
9. Keeping Up With Industrial Changes and Trends
10. Exiting the Business
                        Besides the above problems, small – scale units have been of constrained by a number of other problems also. They include project planning, managerial inadequacies, old and orthodox designs, high degree of obsolescence and huge number of bogus concerns. Due to all these problems the development of small – scale industries could not reach prestigious stage. Small businesses face a number of challenges. From the startup to maintaining the business to growing the business, entrepreneurs need to constantly number of challenges, some of which are unique to small businesses. Foremost of course these challenges are ensuring that the business survives.

The Guts of Entrepreneurship

You probably remember those days when all you had to do was showing up at your workplace from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, and then leave work at the end of the day to join your family at home.  As an entrepreneur, you now have to take your job with you everywhere you go. Doing so is not called insanity; it is just called being an entrepreneur.  Unless you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur, you cannot run a successful enterprise. Do you really know and understand what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Being a productive entrepreneur is not a destination, it is a journey.  It is through trials and errors  that you will learn to sharpen your entrepreneurial skills. In assessing your entrepreneurial skills, you have to dissect the kind of leader you are and how that type of leader fits your enterprise. For many people, they tend to model after well-known successful business gurus. Doing so is ineffective as you are not using your full creativity in the process.  Your primary goal as an entrepreneur should be to become a resourceful and responsible business owner. Prior to owning your business, you probably never worked around the clock, however, as an entrepreneur you will find yourself working long hours to ensure that your business grows successfully.
As an entrepreneur, it is important not to become loyal to ineffectiveness. You should always change what does not work, and only work with what works. In order to do so, it is crucial to learn the decision -making process from an entrepreneurial point of view. Making business decisions is entirely different from making mundane decisions, and it takes a different mindset to do so. For instance, when you visit a restaurant, you will probably seek the suggestions of the waitress or waiter while ordering. Here you are, as an entrepreneur you are lonely, and the only person you can ask for suggestions is you. In stating so, we are not excluding the benefit of seeking advice from business professionals. Herein, we are referring to those decisions you firmly believe that you are the only one who can make the call when needed. What do you do? What you need to do starts with analyzing the elements of your decision-making process. After all, keep in mind that it is your mindset as an entrepreneur that sets the tone for entrepreneurial success. How do you come to make the decisions that you make as an entrepreneur? What drives your thought-process in the decision-making process? As an entrepreneur, all business decisions should be made from a business standpoint. It should not be made based on emotions, personal beliefs or values. Every decision made should be made to ensure the professional growth and success of your enterprise. For instance, instead of asking the question should I hire someone for data entry? The question should be, how is hiring someone for data entry contributing to the organizational goals I have set for my business? The number one mistake most entrepreneurs make during their first years in business is making artificial decisions, i.e. decisions that one assumes benefit the company but have neither real justifications nor foundations. As an entrepreneur, it is important to learn to validate and test the logic behind your decision-making process. As an entrepreneur, it is important that you learn the language of business or the corporate language in general. Remember, a real entrepreneur is never loyal to ineffectiveness. If it does not make sense, it will not make you dollars.


Residual Income For Life

  I was tired of working my same 9 to 5 job Monday through Friday. Having to ask for a vacation or having to ask for a day off because I was sick, that was making me sick. Now I can sleep until i'm done sleeping. I can come and go as I please and never have to punch a time clock. My work now consist of me managing my time helping others, all the while helping myself. I didn't know how awesome it would be to receive a pay check from the things people use each and everyday. Not only that, things people will not live without. I can show you how to have your energy bill and cell phone bill paid for, just by telling people what services your using.
I don't know any other company that will give you things for free because you spread the word. That's what people do all the time! When we go to a restuarant and the food is great, we tell people about it. When ever has that restuarant paid you for doing so. Why not get paid for sharing some good news to help someone else? This company has character and integrity. Why not be a part of something cutting edge and making a difference all around the world? We all need change, let this change be one of a lifetime.
We allow people to potentially save on their cell phones, gas bills , electric bills, cable, home phones, internet and even credit card readers for businesses. Not only do we offer residental services but services for businesses as well. Some states are deregulated in their energy, which means an individual can choose which energy supplier they would like to use. With this company we will lock in a fixed rate for 2 years for our energy customers. We have a plethera of things to offer you and our customers. Be your own boss in the telecommunication and energy business and start making residual income from home today.
I have always wanted to give back to others in need, however I was not always in a position to do so. I used to be someone in need. I was on the opposite side of giving. For a while I was the receiver of charity. So I know what its like not to have the basic things you need. With this business every time I pay a bill or acquire a customer who pays their bill, each month a child gets fed. Now not only can I receive residual income each month for life but each month for life, I can feed a child who is hungry without having to take money out of my own pocket to do so. If you don't know what residual income is; find out how to start your home based business in the telecommunication and energy industry and watch you not only change your life but the life of others. 

Best Way To Become Wealthy- The Search Is Over, Read These Constructive Tips

Having more money than you know what to do with is more than possible to achieve if you are willing to put in the energy to make it a reality. What's even more amazing is that there are people around the world who worked as cashiers or at other minimum wage paying jobs, who have turned into billionaires and millionaires simply because they educated themselves on the right knowledge and have used the power of the Internet to their advantage. It takes three qualities to really become financially successful from home, Time and time again people fail at earning income from home because not only did they lack the knowledge on how to use the Internet effectively. To be in the position to never worry about the economy ever again you must consistently learn from your mistakes, persevere through all the setbacks, and have a reasonable budget.

Best Way To Become Wealthy-Learn from your mistakes

It is smart to use a pen and paper to keep track of all the things you are doing once you start. The reason why it is important for you to keep track of your mistakes is because you will be more organized, and it will be highly unlikely that you will repeat the same mistakes over and over. You will make the road to financial success much faster and less time consuming, by not repeating the same mistakes.

Best Way To Become Wealthy-Persevere through setbacks

Do not believe that soon as you decide to earn income from home that you will see money in the first day. This style of thinking is one of the reasons why so many people fail every day and get discouraged. You must understand that there are many trials and tribulations that will come up that you will have to be strong enough to move passed. You must overcome all the setbacks that will come your way and believe that as long as you were properly informed, financial success from home is not far away for yourself.

Best Way To Become Wealthy-Have a budget

It was found that the reason why 68 percent of people fail is because of poor budgeting, in a poll recently conducted. If you come in with a poor budget, you will not be doing yourself or your family any good, while it is understood that all of us have financial obligations that must be met. So take a piece of paper and really see where you will be able to take some money out of, so you will not be one of the 68% that fail due to budgeting problems.

 Best Way To Become Wealthy-Where can you discover the secret to becoming successful from home?

In all, becoming a millionaire is not hard to do if you understand how to grasp the power of the Internet. But,before you start, you must possess three crucial qualities that are vital for financial success from home. Those three qualities are consistently learning from your mistakes, persevering through all the setbacks, and having a reasonable budget. If you have those qualities, then you will have to seek the right information and tools that will allow you to harness the full power of the Internet.


10 Leadership Tips Startup Entrepreneurs Should Know

An entrepreneur does not run a business with his or her acute business acumen alone: it comes with leadership skills.   Here are 10 tips for startup entrepreneurs:
  • Be a good example. Startup leadership entrepreneurs must be able to lead his or her business by example. Coming to work early and leaving the workplace late could send a message to the employees that their employer works, too. His or her work ethic must encourage others to follow his or her lead.
  • Exude confidence and optimism. A startup deals with what can be called a "baptism of fire." There are challenges that a startup hurdles as it goes through the crucial first year of operation. In these trying months, an entrepreneur must exhibit confidence and optimism to encourage his or her staff to also believe in the company and the product or service. It is bad marketing for the company if an employee is himself or herself a non-believer.
  • Be a doer. An entrepreneur does not only deal with paperwork and financing of the business; he or she is also ready to roll up his or her sleeves and ready to do the work.
  • People are your asset. A successful entrepreneur knows that his or her greatest assets are people. A successful entrepreneur surrounds himself or herself with good-quality employees and experts. He or she values the opinions of his or her employees. He or she treats them as family, not servants.
  • Be tech-savvy. Every entrepreneur these days must be tech-savvy: must be able to do business using mobile devices, network with peers through Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, among other social media; must recognize that business must conform with the sweeping changes in technology and employees must be attuned to these changes; must understand that the use of some applications or softwares could lead to better efficiency and productivity at the workplace.
  • Education is key. A successful entrepreneur sees the values of education; he or she constantly sends his or her employees to trainings to keep them highly skilled.
  • A leader commands respect. A successful and good leader not only commands respect but also inspires people.
  • Communication is important. No successful entrepreneur shuts down the lines of communication to his or her staff. Through a healthy conversation, an entrepreneur understands what his or her employees' needs are and what they believe would make the business succeed.
  • Share blessings. A successful entrepreneur knows that the key to longevity in the business is getting the community to support his or her business. As a token of appreciation, an entrepreneur always has the best interest of the community in mind. He or she sees the community as a partner in building the business. Some big companies take their social responsibility seriously. A startup enterprise must see this responsibility as important early on, too.
  • Take calculated risks. A successful entrepreneur knows how and when to take calculated risks. He or she makes an informed decision before taking on any risk.
 A successful entrepreneur knows that leading a business requires the right blend of character, business acumen and motivation to make the business succeed.

Motivational Quotes from Enterprenuers that will empower You

Being an entrepreneur is the new trend, firing up the globe. Holding desire to change the world and having the ever mounting passion for innovation, India has been producing some of the best businessmen in the world. Having an ‘innovative mind' is the new buzz word in business. In a nutshell, an innovative mind is able to execute and sell a new need to the society, successfully.
Entrepreneurship is growing at the speed of light and retaining employees is becoming a task for the employers. Younger generation is inspired to think on its feet but the path was paved a long time ago. Many entrepreneurs are now top influencers in the world and their success stories are inspiring their subsequent generation to take the plunge. Most of them started off at a miniscule scale and now are calling the shots by realizing their vision. Their common manta has been, ‘business are all about leveraging risks to make more profits'.
Successful people have always claimed to have believed their heart and gut instinct. They have followed their vision and converted all the challenges into opportunities. All these great men have believed in themselves and today, we've found the courage to believe in their dreams.
Here is the list of quotes from great businessmen who have sculptured their destiny and are living their dreams:
"Always deliver more than expected." —Larry Page, co-founder of Google.
"Risk more than others think is safe. Dream more than others think is practical." - Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks.
"I'm convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance." - Steve Jobs, co-founder and CEO of Apple.
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." - Walt Disney, co-founder of the Walt Disney Company.
"We are currently not planning on conquering the world." - Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google.
"You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try." Beverly Sills, opera singer.
"Entrepreneurship is just not about making profits" -Varun Manian, MD - Radiance Realty
"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." – Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft.
"In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative, original thinker unless you can also sell what you create." – David Ogilvy, co-founder of Ogilvy & Mather.
"If you're not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you've launched too late." – Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn.
 India is mushrooming many new businesses and government has been backing up their business plans with funds. Bangalore has become the start-up capital of India, this is yet another inspiring start from the younger generation.

The 4 Disadvantages of A Sole Proprietorship

1. Unlimited  Liability.  The  Sole  owner's  personal  assets,  such  as  home,  personal    property,  cars  and  investments,  are  liable  to  be  seized  if  necessary  to  pay  for    outstanding  debts  or  liabilities.  As  mentioned  earlier,  the  proprietor  and  the    business  are  deemed  to  be  one  and  the  same  in  law.  
2. Less  Financing  Capacity.  It  is  more  difficult  for  a  sole  proprietor  to  borrow  money    than  for  a  partnership  with  various  partners  or  a  corporation  with  a  number  of    major  shareholders.  A  lessor,  when  looking  for  security  and  evidence  of  outside resources,  can  turn  to  other  people  connected  with  the  business  rather  than  just  one  person  in  a  proprietorship.  A partnership  or  corporation  can  give  an  investor  some  form  of  equity  position,  which  is  not  available  in  a  proprietorship.  
3. Unstable  Duration  of  Business.  The business  might  be  crippled  or  terminated    upon  the  illness  or  death  of  the  owner.  If there  is  no  one  appropriate  to  take    over  the  business,  it  may  have  to  be  sold  or  liquidated.  Such  an  unplanned    action  may  result  in  a  loss.  
4. Sole  Decision-Making.  In  partnerships  or  corporations,  generally  there  is   shared  decision-making  or  at  least  input.  In  a  proprietorship,  just  one  person  is  involved,  and  if  that  person  lacks  business  ability  or  experience,  poor  decision  making  can  cause  the  business  to  suffer. 
5.  Taxation.   At   a   certain   level   of   profit,   there   are   disadvantages   for   the   sole    proprietor.  

These advantages and disadvantages can be different with each situation. That is why all business owners should seek legal advice when making decisions on correct structure for your business.
But for all your financial needs let us help you get your business "In The Zone."
Since Business Finance Consultants have the ability to work with hundreds of lender programs nationwide they can offer you more options than you may have thought possible. Also, because Business Finance Consultants access "wholesale money" they can provide the same programs that major banks offer and pass the savings on to you. It is also important to note that a Business Finance Consultant does not get paid unless they are successful in funding.
This means they will review your request and present it in a manner that poses the greatest probability of funding. As such, Business Finance Consultants have a tremendous motivation to ensure that there are no hidden costs or fees that other mortgage brokers often charge you at the last minute. By choosing to work with a Business Finance Consultant, you are working with the elite of the mortgage lending industry.

7 Essential Entrepreneurial Skills That Every Business Owner Should Cultivate

You possibly already have enough good idea about the skills you should have, if you want becoming a successful entrepreneur. Among all skills, most commonly mentioned are branding, strategy, finance, planning, sales, initiative and vision. These all are incredibly essential, yet these are not the end of the list. Entrepreneurs will need some other unexpected skills also for succeeding, yet you only may not be thinking regarding them.
In this article, we are going to discuss about 7 major entrepreneurial skills that all business owners should master. Just read on:
1. Vision:
Having a clean market vision is important for growing a business, yet many entrepreneurs over-focus on their own business world by mistake. The entrepreneurs who understand markets genuinely, what makes a company successful, business management principles, and chances when they see them, these are the ones with the possibility for growing achievement.
2. Adaptability:
Having the skill of adaptability, the capacity of changing your approach is now more essential than ever. With the entry of new services and technologies in the market, they can widely change the scene in a month. Keep in mind the effect of updates of Google algorithm on businesses. Great entrepreneurs should be comfortable to go with flow and creating fast business decisions for minimizing the effect of such a quick-changing marketplace.
3. Consumer Focus:
Online marketing has changed the game for many entrepreneurs. Thus, plenty of success is now dependent upon knowing the requirements of consumers and getting ways of fulfilling them with your business. Entrepreneurs should work for understanding really the thought of people who create their business potential, then cater your items, marketing campaigns, policies and services to those individuals. You might be able finding somebody for building purchaser personalities for your efforts of content marketing, yet it will not be efficient unless the leader behind it all is as aimed on the clients as their staffs seem to be.
4. Curiosity:
It's impossible for a modern-day entrepreneur to succeed, if you are not interested to learn. People who actually succeed are the individuals who put true efforts on learning new methods and technologies for keeping their business on the leading position. Every work cannot be outsourced, and in fact if it can, you still need having some basic knowledge of it for getting the outcome you want. All entrepreneurs require the curiosity skill, which drives them learning as the field of playing changes.
5. Communication:
Because of internet, nowadays it is now much simpler conducting most of your business from the computer without actually communicating with anybody face-to-face. You people can think that the days of charming entrepreneur are gone, and we all can only pout behind our PCs. However, it is actually opposite as communication skill is more essential than ever. Surprisingly, it is challenging delivering the type of message you want through social media, phone communication and email. Nowadays, entrepreneurs should put additional effort for communicating efficiently for building relationships which once would have happened in person organically. Communication skills become dire, if you have employees working for you, particularly remotely. If you can't express yourself and your expectations properly, it can impact the ability or productivity of your staffs for delivering what you want. Interpersonal skills are the essential trait of every successful entrepreneur. Presently, entrepreneurs should be capable of writing proper instructions and using increasingly distant channels of communication for building and networking relationships.
6. Stress Management:
Being an entrepreneur, you are not only a boss, you also have an active hand in various areas for keeping things running with ease and manage with possible failures and setbacks along the way. Every entrepreneur who wants succeeding long-term should be really good in managing stress. Important to this skill is being acquainted with delegating and understanding when it is time for taking a break.
7. The Capacity of Inspiring People:
Undoubtedly, an entrepreneur is ardent about their working. Yet, it is the capacity of instilling that inspiration in people which actually drives achievement. However, this is communication skill's extension. You must be able of explaining things in a comprehensive way and then take a further step for making the project resound with your people. In fact, if you are a self-employed person, there is no way you are actually doing each work on your own. For example, inspiring your influencers' network can be a prime driving force behind your business. The momentum created can be huge, if you can get people interested about your tasks.
So, now you have the complete knowledge about the major entrepreneurial skills that every entrepreneur should master. You can join Business Skills Training Program also to understand these skills more. And, if you have idea about some other skills, you can follow them also.

How to Cut Down on Back-to-School Stress and Spending

(NewsUSA) – Sponsored News – It’s an odd time of year. While there seems to still be plenty of summer left, glossy back-to-school fliers are filling mailboxes and inboxes. It’s enough to give even the most easygoing parent a raging headache.
Before you grab the aspirin like it’s a life preserver, take heart: Getting your kid ready for the school year doesn’t have to mean cruising a packed parking lot for a space, arguing over clothes that seem better suited for a music video than for math class, or maxing out your credit cards.
The following tips will help minimize your stress levels, while saving some dollars, as the back-to-school season hits:
* Make a list. Like any good coach, draw up a game plan before you hit the mall. Make a list of what your children need (and sizes) and stick to it, just as if you were buying groceries.
* Go window shopping. A week before you head out, ask your kids to “window shop” by visiting websites of their favorite stores. Visit comparison-shopping sites to search for the best prices. Also, check for sales in the fliers in Sunday’s paper or on your favorite shopping blogs.
* Search deals on the web. There are plenty of websites that offer deals for parents and kids, designed to make lives easier and cheaper. One new site is, an e-commerce site that has exceptional discounts in kids’ clothes and accessories. By its own admission, these folks are a ragtag bunch of engineers, designers, and artists who noticed the “exceptionally high markups on top trending kid and baby products.” Their answer? To create a place that hardworking moms (and dads) could find those same high-quality products they adored at “a price they could afford,” without sacrificing much-needed funds ($0.99 socks, for instance). By downloading the app, you can find deals on a variety of items, check-in and share with your friends to receive points, and see super deals and freebies. In addition, you can meet other moms just like you on their Facebook group, PatPatParentingCommunity.
* Shop for essentials first. A few weeks into the school year, when peer pressure kicks in, kids are bound to come home with a list of must-haves. So buy just the essentials at the beginning of the season rather than everything at once (there will always be another sale). Insist that your kids leave the tags on their clothes until they’re about to wear them and hold on to receipts so you can easily return anything they have second thoughts about.
PatPat’s app is available to download for iOS and Android users. The iOS app is so popular it’s now being featured as the best app for kids in the shopping category

The Influence of Social Networking on the Future of the Internet

As the popularity of social networking has skyrocketed over the last couple of years, the Internet of five years ago has indeed come and gone. Web 2.0 is now the talk of major Internet players and venture capitalists across the globe.
What is Web 2.0? It is the next generation of Internet interactivity and utility platforms. In a nutshell, Web 2.0 involves the facilitation of enhanced web user activities and experiences via systems that allow users to more easily interact, communicate, share information, learn and collaborate with one another.
Witness the huge success of Wikipedia, a free multi-lingual encyclopedia. Formed in January of 2001, Wikipedia has quickly become one of the most visited websites in the world with more than six million articles in 250 languages currently hosted. The premise of the founders of Wikipedia was simple: create a place where users from all over the world can write and edit articles and entries according to their area of expertise. In turn, content created by tens of thousands of subject matter experts is available to anyone in the world with an Internet connection.
Other wildly successful social networking and interactivity websites include MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Digg and StumbleUpon. To Internet companies around the world, it has become more than apparent that Internet users are embracing these platforms with great enthusiasm. The Internet is becoming more than just a place to find information: it is now a place to interact, communicate, learn and opine on a wide variety of subjects. Blogging is no longer the realm of the web futurists but a de facto part of doing business. Forums have popped up all over the Internet in order for members to share information, ask questions and even form relationships. And tens of thousands of singles willingly pay a monthly fee to network with potential love interests on sites like and
In regards to business applications of the social networking phenomenon, the industry is young and just getting started. Over the next five years, expect a wide range of new applications to spring up in industries of all shapes and sizes. The potential for knowledge and learning is enormous as are the possibilities for unprecedented business referral partnerships. The Internet, only in its first decade or so of popular use, is going to continue to evolve to meet the needs and desires of its hundreds of millions of users.
Jesse Chatham is the Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer for, a peer to peer, home industry networking and directory website. Realtors [], mortgage lenders [], general contractors [] and other home professionals are invited to join.

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Everything You Need To Know About Instagram Advertising

The launch of Instagram advertising has been welcomed with open arms by businesses around the world, who are now able to use the popular platform to reach over 400 million active users globally.
For people in the Middle Eastern region, its launch has been even more celebrated, as a majority of the Arab speaking population are more available on Instagram than on any other social media platform.
So what makes Instagram Advertising such a win, and how can your business use it?
Instagram in general gives a much higher engagement rate than any other social platform. If you have an active Instagram profile, you will notice that it is far more likely for your posts to get noticed on the channel than on other platforms. It is also relatively easier to gain a good following on Instagram organically.
The introduction of Ads make it even easier to reach targeted users on Instagram, and can do wonders when used in an effective manner.
What you need to know about Instagram Advertising
It offers multiple ad formats
Instagram advertising offers you three types of ads: image, video and carousel. Image ads let you use visual imagery to tell your story and also allure your target audience to take action while video ads give you up to 30 seconds to deliver your message as artistically as you desire & carousel option is image ads on steroids, letting you use multiple images that the viewer can swipe through, providing multiple opportunities to trigger an action.
You have call-to-action buttons for driving traffic to your website
The most frustrating part when it comes to social media marketing is - triggering engagement. You might get a lot of likes and comments, but driving the same traffic to your website is somewhat tricky. Instagram ads offer call-to-action buttons (much like Facebook ads) that allow you to drive traffic directly to your website. The call-to-action buttons are available on all the three ad format types.
Specific ad targeting
Instagram advertisers have always been able to target audiences by age, location, and gender. But now, it is working with parent company Facebook to reach users based on their interests and connections on both networks - a uniquely powerful data set of people's personal preferences.
There's less competition
Facebook now has nearly two million advertisers, which means that advertisers are now facing more competition to reach their target audience. Since Instagram is a relatively new advertising platform, it still offers a less competitive platform for advertising and reaching users compared to Facebook.
If you haven't yet tried this advertising platform, it's time you give it a shot!

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12 Effective Social Media Tools in 2016 to Add to Your Resources

As we approach halfway through the year 2016, the social media experts have already started predicting its trend for the upcoming year. The fact is Social Media is definitely here to stay. The Social Media marketing has already penetrated into each of our work and life. With the days passing, it is becoming a more powerful mode of action for all the players.
You will surely agree that it is high time to organize and reshuffle the social media tools. Some addition of these game-changing tools can give you an idea of how successful this platform is for particular calculated objectives. You may update your game plan resources with the following social media tools.
1. Buffer
Do you wish to post your social content at one go? With Buffer tool, you can post content across several social media accounts. It is lot more easy and convenient. Now you may create and schedule your postings for various networking platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, and Google+ pages from a single window. As you create a queue for the postings, it saves you a substantial amount of time. With the detailed analytics in place, you clearly know the answer to the questions like what, when, where and why.
2. Canva
Images can give your content an entirely new life. Canva is a tool which helps you to find high-quality images on your budget. Your posts on social networking sites can have the much desired visual content at a nominal price. The various templates in this tool make you feel like a designer even if you are confused about the selection.
3. Edgar
Social media completely supports the re-use of the old content providing it's relevant. But, often many important posts of high relevance stays hidden among the pile of posts that keep flowing daily on the social sites. Edgar is a tool or the solution to this problem. It helps you to trace some of the implausible content that may have been missed by the followers due to the flood of posts on the sites. Now, with this tool you may sort out the relevant post, track it and repost it for the followers in the future.
4. Brand24
It is very important to know and understand what the consumer's view about your brand is, what is being said and what the consumer requirements are. Brand24 convey real-time info on your brand as well as your competitor brands. This repeated approach can help you successfully take action to optimistic and pessimistic remarks across your social networking platforms. This way you can remain connected with your audience in addition to efficiently measure any prospective sales opening.
5. Nuzzle
With a number of stories pouring in from your friends of various networking sites, Nuzzle helps in organizing the posts. This iOS plus web-based app combines information from the social media posts to provide you easy-to-read links. Nuzzle offers a way out for adding influencers that can give you control and benefit your own marketing requirements. You can know and understand your audience in a better light by accessing the posts from your friends of friends as well.
6. Social Clout
Social Clout is an analytical tool which can be used for making noteworthy development in keywords, campaigns, and engagement. You can also get access to social media consequences or outcomes and demographics. With the help of these records, several social networking account data can be obtained. These data can be used to keep a track of the development and also check the different reactions and answers on various platforms.
7. Cyfe
The social media tool box consists of several logical tools to comprehend with the processes. You can access analytics, Adwords and SEO detailed reports through Cyfe. You also get a complete account of your brand and easily affordable for even a small businessman. Cyfe provides you a fully personalized dashboard where you can evaluate and accumulate this data. Competitor research is another aspect that Cyfe takes care of, apart from the social media application. You can also get the complete report on the approaching trends and data actions through this industry aptitude tool.
8. Bundlepost
This tool helps in replacing the common functional keywords with the hashtags that helps to improve the results while scheduling your posts.
9. SecureMySocial
Employees are an integral part of your social network and if they violate the laws, it can affect your business directly. The SecureMySocial tool helps in tracking what is being said or done by your employees on the networking sites that might affect the company. With the help of this tool, you can get intimation instantaneously if any employee violates company laws and policies through the social media posts. You can get to know the person posting info and receive an alert to take necessary action to maintain your company's repute.
10. Nuvi
This is an interesting tool that allows you to check what others cannot go through when it comes to Facebook talk, be it private or public. With Nuvi, you get a complete picture of other's thought. This can help you in re- shaping your social media posts.
11. FollowerWonk
This tool is solely for the Twitter and helps in optimizing and analyzing the Twitter posts on the social network platform. From locating your followers to tracking deep down information, FollowerWonk optimizes your tweets and also able to track the new influencers.
12. Inkybee
Creating your brand and attracting more and more prospective customers is very essential. This tool helps to gain the potential customers by tracking the influencers who can elevate your brand. It helps in searching the social media famous personalities and bloggers who are interested in your industry so that you may connect with them for making a stronger brand presence on social media.
The above mentioned are the few tools that can drive traffic and boost your business through social media promotions. There are numerous such apps and tools that are worthy of your contemplation as the feasible solutions to augment your company's social media investment and presence.

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All You Want to Know About Social Media Marketing

Recently, social networks have exploded, marketing experts have also not been left out, they have followed suit, seeking to make utmost benefit from the potential of these platforms. This marketing is a very resourceful, advantageous and an efficient platform in that; It's cheap, it captures the right audience, it's easy to handle, and it's the right option for a person willing to put a little effort to get factual information.
Although this has many advantages, social media marketing also has setbacks. The principal setback being that there's too much of it. This makes even the most sophisticated social media marketers have a tough time having to track the trends in the social landscape and consequently have a hard time while marketing. Although, may prove hard, the good news is that by following simple tips social media marketing is very efficacious. Below are the tips.
Create more video content.
The 21st century has seen advancements is web2. 0 Sites Such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Videos have also become widespread in these sites. Almost everyone has an account on the sites and a single post a video fetches over a million views. By utilizing this sites, marketers have thus the advantage of capturing a great audience. Also, Videos, in particular, keep marketers at an added advantage as they enable an interactive and real time connections, this is especially the case with live streaming. Thus, by creating video content, social media marketing is placed at an advantage.
Concentrate on Going Mobile.
Tablets and smartphones have continuously become prevalent the fact that IT giants like Facebook and Google have accentuated on. Social media marketers wishing to thrive should pay attention to platforms that are mobile friendly such as pages that are feature responsive. More so, the marketers need also to pay attention to emerging platforms that are performing well on mobile e.g. snap chat, they should aim at making the most out of them.
Be focused
The most successful social media marketers point out the reason of their success to focusing their advertising efforts to target certain audience as opposed to convincing everyone of their products. Targeting specific audience ensures one gets the most out of the marketing investments they make. The strategy also ensures one directs their efforts where it will breed the best results.
Ensuring quality content.
The quality of the content you'll provide is the key determinant of whether or not social media marketing will be a success. Always provide high ranking content to your potential customer and audience. Quality content communicated positively to your audience eloquently gets your message across, this helps attract people, and once attracted will stick with you for long.
Lastly, social media marketing is a very fertile ground as far as advertising services or a brand is concerned, however, if not well handle, it may prove a tough undertaking, but by following the above tips it will become a success.

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How to Conquer Fear for Good

"FEAR!" That is the answer I get 9 ½ times out of 10 when I ask someone what is stopping them from reaching their goals in real estate. Why are you letting the fear stop you? "I don't know" is the typical response. The answer is that they do not understand fear and they do not know what it takes to push through it. Let me start by explaining what I believe fear is. Fear is an extremely powerful and useful emotion that was given to us to protect ourselves. Fear makes us stop and consider what is about to happen and gives us time to evaluate. It turns on our senses and lets us experience the world at a higher level. Fear is an extremely positive thing and should not be avoided, but it does need to be managed. I love the motto, "Feel the fear and do it anyway." I learned that at a self development camp I went to several years ago. It runs through my head each time I am about to face something that scares me.
At this camp we did some really crazy things that were meant to be safe AND scare you. Things like walking over broken glass, being put in situations where physical harm was threatened, and tackling an obstacle course 30 or more feet above the ground. All of these tasks were meant to help the attendees learn about themselves, and learn how to handles stressful and fearful situations. It was extremely uncomfortable, and if not for the peer pressure, my guess is that most people would not have participated. The interesting thing about this is that the peer pressure was extremely effective, but is not always there to help you along. When you are in business for yourself, you don't have this outside pressure close by to help you accomplish your task. You need another tool in your tool box.
Travis and I were speaking the other day and I brought up something that Tony Robbins talks about a lot. Every decision is made for one of two reasons. Decisions are made to gain pleasure or avoid pain. Avoiding pain is a much stronger driving force. Avoiding pain is the motivator that lets fear stop us. With this knowledge you can create a plan to tackle even the scariest situations in business. The key is to understand the worst case scenario if you make the decision to push through the fear and then the worst case scenario if you choose to let the fear stop you. If you don't consciously think about this, the fear will likely stop you. Again, the reason for this is the pain of facing the fear could be immediate, appearing more intense than the alternative. The reality is that the pain can be much, much more intense if you don't push through the fear.
Long before you ever get into a situation that will require you to overcome fear, you should think about what you really want out of this business. What will you really be giving up if you are not successful? You need to really feel this deep down. Why are you in this business in the first place? What do you want? What happens if you don't hit your goals or you are not successful? I have written about this before, but this is your "why". Without a clear and powerful "why", fear could be too strong to overcome. This is the problem many unsuccessful investors have that the successful ones do not. With a powerful "why", fear will never stop you!
Stop reading this article and think about that. Think about what it is you want. It is bigger than money and bigger than you? It is not because you want a big house and a nice car. It is something strong that will cause an emotional reaction to talk or think about. An example could be a charitable cause or a family member you want or need to help. Spend time thinking about the reason you NEED to be successful and put up reminders where you spend time working. Photos or motivational quotes work really well. I have a coffee mug that I drink my coffee from every morning that is covered with photos of me and my girls. It is impossible for me not to stay motivated when I see this each and every day.
Once you have a powerful "why" you will be unstoppable! The next time you feel the fear, take a few minutes to recognize that it is there to protect you and think about what it is trying to protect you from. In the highly unlikely scenario that it is trying to protect you or someone you love from physical harm, recognize that and make a decision based on your priorities. In the likely scenario that no physical harm will come, I suggested focusing on what you are giving up by letting fear stop you. Focus on the "why". Think about the pain it is causing or will cause if you don't face the fear. Really think about it. Although it is not immediate and instantly intense, what pain is greater?
I understand that fear is real, and there is a chance you will fail at your task. A failure here and there is OK and in my opinion, even necessary to reach your goals. Like fear, failure is positive. I have learned the most from my failures, and attribute my success, in part, to them. Overcome fear by thinking about avoiding pain and thinking about your big "why". Once you do that, feel the fear and do it anyway!
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How To Raise Finance For Your Property Investment

Raising Finance
There are many ways of investing in property, even if you don't have any money. Lease options and Rent to Rent are two very popular strategies. You can create a lot of cash flow by packaging and sourcing deals for other investors for a fee. However, it doesn't mean that if you don't have money, you can't invest in multi-million pound projects such as developments, commercial conversions or normal BTL properties worth a lot of money.
There are people out there who are waiting with their cash to invest in your deals instead of having their money in their bank where they're unlikely to get much return. Money loses value every single day and after paying taxes, they may just break even or make a loss. That is why they look for new opportunities. Some of those people are cash rich and time poor, meaning they don't have the time to find deals. These investors are looking for people like you to find and negotiate deals so they can finance it and share a profit with you. You need to start hanging around with these sorts of people; tell them what you do and build a relationship with them at the networking events, exchange business cards and after the event follow up with everyone the next day via email. You can say things like: "Hi Mr Smith, it was a pleasure to meet you at the property networking event yesterday. It would be great to meet up with you to discuss further business opportunities. Please let me know when you'd be free to meet up." Or you can say things like "There is no free lunch, but there is when I am in town." It all depends on who you deal with. This is just a simple example. If you are good at writing emails you can develop it, but try to keep it short and to the point. Remember: dress to impress; you can never get a second chance at a first impression. Who you hang around with is who you become and your network is your net worth. If you told us how much five of your friends made annually we could predict your salary.
We will name a few places and products where you can raise money for your property investments. Even if you have a lot of money and you start investing, you will eventually run out of money one day. That is why it's very important to raise finances and use other people's money instead of your own. All successful people do the same - they don't use their own money.
Joint Venture (JV)
This is a very good way of building your property portfolio quickly with minimal risk and no capital required. JV partners could be people who you meet at networking events. Some have a lot of time and will bring you good deals, whereas others are very busy but have a lot of cash to invest. If you are working with private investors they will have business experience that can help you. This will be very beneficial when analysing deals, legal issues, profit and loss etc. It is much easier and quicker to build a property business with partners than by yourself. Before entering in any JV agreement, make sure you do your due diligence on the person you are dealing with and consult with your solicitor. JVing with other people has positives and negatives so you need to analyse it before you enter such an agreement.
For a joint venture to work, you need to choose the right partners; each partner needs to bring something different to the partnership. It's important to have clear documents that outline how the partnership will work so you know who is responsible for what. You need to be honest and open with each other.
I (Damian) experienced bad partnerships many times and lost a lot of money in business but it wasn't their fault - it was mine. You need to take responsibility for yourself. If I had done enough due diligence on the people I was partnering with I would never have gone ahead with the deal. But I am happy that it happened as it was a good lesson and I will never make the same mistake again. It takes time to find good partners and you might be lucky and find a good one in the first place. Remember there is a golden rule in business: trust but verify! I have done many good deals with my current business partners and it would never have happened if I didn't go to networking events. Shane and I travelled all the way from London to Florida just to network and meet new people who we can do business with. That is called sacrifice; we do whatever it takes. Do today what others don't, to have a tomorrow that others won't.
You can also JV with your friends and family; you provide the deal and knowledge whilst they bring the money required. Once the work is done, you share the profit 50/50. There are many different ways of structuring JV deals. For example, there might be people who are not interested in monthly income but investing money for capital appreciation. So instead of sharing the profit 50/50, you take the cash flow every month and they take the equity. The amount the house appreciates in value will benefit your JV partner, but make sure you have an exit strategy in place so you don't have situations where they want to sell the property but you want to keep it.
Remember that 50% of the deal financed by a JV partner is better than 100% of nothing.
Crowd Funding
Crowd funding is getting more and more popular. There are a lot people with a good business plan and models but with limited finances. Raising money from banks is difficult and bridging is expensive. Many investors look for opportunities where they invest their money for a share in a company or project in return. It is very common in this day and age to start big developing projects where there are few investors that fund the project together to build apartments, and once it is sold they share a profit equivalent to the proportion of the money invested. In some crowd funding projects, anyone can invest money and get, for example, a 10% return on their investment. Quite often there are hundreds of people investing in one project. This is an extremely powerful strategy and it's now even used to raise money for start-up businesses and movies.
Credit Cards, Loans and Overdrafts
When we started our property journey we had no money and a lot of debt. Our favourite source of investment at the time was credit cards and overdrafts as we didn't know many people who we could raise the money from. Most of our credit cards were maxed out, so we had to increase our credit limits. Our first property investments came from none of our own money! When you have no money you must start thinking outside the box as you have little choice. These tips came from our mentors, they showed us how to do it and what to say when talking to the banks as this is very important. If you tell your bank that you need money to invest in property then you can forget about them agreeing.
From being broke, we both achieved financial freedom in just one year of investing in property. It all came from knowledge that we acquired from our mentors, books and creativity, so we managed to crush the myth that you need money in order to make money! If you want to master the property game, you need to have the knowledge to be creative. That is how winning is done. Most of the multi-millionaires and billionaires are self-made; they started from zero or debt, so anything is possible. You just have to believe it, set up a plan on what you want to achieve and how you are going to get there; for your dreams to come true you first have to wake up! You can have anything you want in life, you just have to be hungry and believe that you can have it.
Sylvester Stallone (Rocky Balboa) is a great example of a self-made millionaire. He started from humble beginnings - he was evicted from his apartment and was homeless for a while. In March 1975 Stallone saw Muhammad Ali fighting against Chuck Wepner. After that fight, he went home and started writing a script, taking inspiration from both the fight and the autobiography of Rocky Graziano to start writing Rocky Balboa. Stallone attempted to sell his script to multiple studios with the intention of playing the main role in the movie. Although receiving enormous amounts of rejections, which went on for several months, he never gave up. He was finally offered $350,000 just for the rights to the script without him playing in the movie. He refused to sell it unless he could play the main character, so after a substantial budget cut to compromise the producers agreed to have him as a star, and the rest is history. He could have just taken the $350,000 which for him at that time was a lot of money, but if he did he wouldn't be where he is today. That shows determination. There was a time in his life where he had to sell his dog for $50 because he didn't have any money to feed him; after his success with the Rocky Balboa script, he bought his dog back for $15,000.
Angel Investors
There are a lot of places to go where angel investors spend their time. All you need to do is search on the internet for the closest one to your area. Millionaires and billionaires come to these places and look for people with great ideas for a new business where they can invest their money for a share in the company in return. More importantly, not only will they invest, but they will also give you all the support you need, which is priceless. They usually have their own power team that has expert knowledge in marketing, branding and selling. Of course, you must know everything about the business and have a great pitch that will attract the investors to persuade them to invest in your company or project.
You need to make sure you know your numbers; know everything about your competition, if there is any, and have a great unique selling proposition (USP). Having a mentor that has already achieved what you want to achieve is precious! I (Damian) have invested and started many companies before property investing. I invested all the money I saved from my part-time jobs and I lost it as well as getting myself into debt. The main reason I failed in both businesses was because I didn't know what I was doing. I had no guidance or a mentor to tell me how it needs to be done, what needs to be changed and what it is I was doing wrong.
When I started property investing, I had a mentor from the beginning and that is why I succeeded and I have done it in a very short space of time. I knew exactly where I was going and I knew that I had the support if I needed it. Every successful person has a mentor; imagine a footballer in the English Premier League or an athlete without a coach. Do you think Usain Bolt, the fastest runner on the earth, would be where he is today without a coach? We have paid a lot of money for mentoring and coaching, but with angel investors you can receive investments and free mentoring for a share in your business.
Family and Friends
There are a lot of people such as friends and family that have money sitting in their bank accounts without getting much return on their savings. Believe it or not, but money goes down in value all the time; inflation kicks in and prices go up. What you could buy for £10 ten years ago you can't buy anymore. That is why it's very important to invest in assets that appreciate in value. If you get a good deal, you can ask your friends if they would like to get 10 % return on investment on their money. I am sure they will like the idea as in the bank it's unlikely they'll get more than 1%. How you give it back is flexible; once the property is refinanced or pay them interest each month. It all depends on the individual and your agreement. Once they get their money back after the first deal, this will prove you can be trusted and they are likely to lend you money again.
Sell Liabilities
What do we really mean by selling liabilities? A liability is something that takes money out of your pocket, e.g. if you have a car that is worth £10,000, it will go down in value every single year plus it will cost you money every single month. Car insurance needs to be paid, road tax, petrol, MOT test, car maintenance and repairs. If you sell the car for £10,000 and buy a property below market value, you can refinance the property after 6 months and buy a new car or you can get a new car on finance as you will have a passive income from the house you bought. Every single month the rental income will pay for your car without you physically working to pay for it, so instead of having just a car, now you have a property plus a car that is paid by the asset you have acquired. What would you prefer?
Bridging Loan
A bridging loan is a very good method if you need to borrow money for a property that you want to buy very quickly. It only takes a few days for the bridgers to accept your application and lend you the money; in some cases 24-48 hours. If you borrow for the first time and pay back successfully the next one will be much easier and quicker because they know that you are reliable.
Bridging loans are mainly used by investors buying houses at auctions where you have to complete the purchase almost immediately. You cannot do the same with a standard mortgage company. Bridging loans have very high interest, from 1-3% per month or more in some cases. You need to know your numbers and have an exit strategy in place as it's a very risky loan. If you have never taken out a bridging loan, make sure you consult with a financial advisor beforehand or somebody that has experience in bridging so they can make you aware of the potential problems that can arise.
Social Media Groups
There are a lot of property investing groups on social media that you can join for free. You can ask questions, gain free advice and find potential business partners. You can even sell and buy property deals, subject to how active you are in the forums.
Before buying anything, make sure you do your due diligence on the person that is offering the deal and on the property they are offering. We had many deals that came our way but when we did our due diligence we found out that many of these properties were on Rightmove and Gumtree, revealing that we were not being offered a discount or, in some cases, they were trying to charge us above market value!
Seminars and Networking Events
This is our favourite way of raising finance, as most of the deals we have done and money we've raised came from people we met at seminars and networking events. Some people we know say that we are lucky because we manage to sell a deal or get a deal financed that made us a lot of money. But guess what? If we were sitting at home watching TV, playing PlayStation or going to the pub with friends, we would never have met the sources and our business partners. It's all down to our hard work and the time we spent building relationships and our network. Your network is your net worth and it's not who you know but who knows you.
You first need to invest some money into the relationship before you start to do business with anyone. We invite potential business partners for dinner, for example. Is food free? No, it isn't! Is transport free? No, it isn't! You need to pay for eating quality food, for petrol or a train ticket. People who say you are lucky forget about all the sacrifices, costs and hard work. Business relationships are similar to dating. You shouldn't ask for sex on the first date; it's the same in business. You need to meet multiple times and build a relationship with a potential business partner before you do any business together.
Private Members Club
There are many different types of private members' clubs. If you are a fan of cars, you could look into a Ferrari or Lamborghini private members' club. You don't necessarily need to own one to be a member. People who can afford these kinds of cars are definitely the ones with money so it could be a huge benefit to hang around with them and build relationships that could add value to your business in the future.
There are also yacht clubs, gentleman's clubs, luxurious concierge services where you pay a monthly fee of anything between £50-£200. You get access to the best clubs in your city for free where you don't need to wait in a queue. Impressive restaurants and sold out VIP events from the world of music to theatre, film, sport and art. There are many different private members' clubs to choose from - it all depends on what you are looking for and what interests you. You can find more information about private members' clubs online.
High End Gyms
The gym is a perfect place to network with people. There are reasons for that. First of all, you will see the same people every single day or at least 3-4 times a week because if you want to keep healthy and fit you need to work out on a regular basis. When you meet someone every single day and you make eye contact with them they will remember your face, and eventually you will start talking to each other. You will share weights, benches and equipment together and if they like you, you might even come to the gym with them at the same time and work out together.
The main reason that we mentioned high end gyms and not just any gym is because this is where wealthy people go to exercise. Wealthy people won't go to any local gym as they like luxury and great customer service - everything they need is in one place from nutritional guidance, private medical care, spa treatments to DNA testing to determine what exercise suits them best. They also want to hang around with other people who are successful because who you hang around is who you become.
High end gyms have very expensive joining fees, which could be anything from £400-600 and a monthly fee of around £185-240. The most expensive one in London is in Knightsbridge, which costs as much as £2000 to join and £500 per month. There are a lot of gyms to choose from that are also very good and attract successful people and cost much less. David Lloyds or Virgin Active gym will cost you around £70-90 per month. High End gyms cost a lot but sometimes it is money well spent. If you can find someone that could finance your project of £500,000 to £1,000,000 or JV with you, isn't the £200 per month worth it? Some people spend £3 on a coffee every single day, £3 x 5 days= £15 per week! In one month, that's a cost of £60. What if you could save this money instead and put it towards the gym membership that will be much more beneficial and healthier than your daily coffee?
There are many more places where rich people spend their time. A charity ball is a good place to go as people spend a lot of money there bidding and raising funds to help the less fortunate.
There are very cheap and also very expensive ways of raising money. Everyone's situation is different. You might be able to pay the £200 for the gym membership or you might prefer to go to free seminars or networking events. If you keep working hard and you are out often meeting new people, you will build your network and you will find the people who you are looking for. It might take you slightly longer than the more costly route as it may attract wealthier people, but you will still make it as you might meet someone who knows somebody who has the money and would like to invest it or get a better return than the bank is giving. We had to choose the cheap route as we were in debt so didn't have the money to join expensive clubs. We are a living example that you can build a big network without spending £200 per month on gym membership. We met most of our business partners and investors at networking events and seminars, but we worked really hard to build those relationships.

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Investment Property For Beginners

Real estate investing is one of the best ways to build wealth, and you might be surprised to find out that you don't need to be rich to invest in property. Here are some tips to keep in mind as a beginner in the industry.
Knowledge Is Power
The most important thing you need to invest in property successfully is knowledge. Any investment requires research and information to function efficiently, and an investment property is no different. Working in the real estate industry is the best way to acquire the necessary knowledge, and you can earn an income while learning. There are quite a few professions that may interest you, including real estate agents, appraisers, title company representatives, and property developers. Another advantage to working in real estate is that you can build a strong network of influential people within the industry to lean on once you begin to invest.
Make Money With These Properties
There are more than a dozen types of investment properties that will turn a profit. Most people think that an investment property is a home that is rented out to a tenant, but that isn't the only case. Real estate developers can make money on vacant land. If the vacant land is large enough, it can be subdivided and sold for profit or can be developed into a subdivision with homes for an even greater profit.
Property investing can also be done with the investor acting as a middleman through contracts and paperwork. For example, there are lease option contracts which allow an investor to tell a seller that they will pay a monthly "rental" amount with the option to buy the home within a certain number of years. The investor then rents out the home with the same option and a shorter time frame to someone else. When the tenant exercises the buy option, the investor pays the seller and has made a profit. The investor never actually lives in the house and gives someone who may not be able to buy a home in the traditional method an option to buy.
Many real estate investors also choose to flip homes. This often involves buying a foreclosed home from the bank. These homes are generally not in the best shape. The investor remodels the house and sells it at a profit over what he paid.
Become Independently Wealthy
Owning an investment property and becoming a real estate guru is a great way to build wealth. Begin slowly by learning about the real estate industry and then dive right into earning profits through your investments.

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Four Steps to Successful Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has become a very useful tool for businesses to use to market their products, services or ideas they want to share with potential clients. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc., have been on the rise for the past decade and experts are learning how to use them effectively to market their business.
There are four steps to market a product, service or an idea successfully through social media marketing. The four steps are broken down to:
• Create long-lasting relationships
• Serve an attractive purpose
• Paid for results, not hard work
• Effectiveness of your marketing strategy
- Create Long-Lasting Relationships:
Relationships are the key to being successful in any business or industry. Relationships are the gateway to being introduced to the new prospects in your market for your client base from a good referral. A quality relationship where the company representative has satisfied the customer more than they had been expected can lead to a referral, which is a necessity in social media marketing. Marketers should start to create long-lasting relationships at networking events where their target prospects are located at, and send referrals to potential prospects that are in need of a service while expecting nothing in return from the potential prospect. The referrals will come in once the marketer meets the potential prospect again when the prospect has learned that the referral that was sent to them was referred from the marketer.
- Serve an Attractive Purpose:
The secret to an attractive purpose is perfecting the combination of increasing sales in the organization and the purpose that the target community is attracted to. Many companies in the market today donate a certain percentage of their proceeds to different types of charities or to foreign countries that are in need of resources. For example, a company that donates a lot of proceeds to Kenya is a company known as Artiken, who specializes in wristbands for runners. These wristbands are handmade in Kenya and are imported to many different countries and the company has guaranteed to donate a portion of their earnings back to Kenya to help supply clean water and to introduce jobs throughout Kenya. This marketing strategy is a perfect combination of having an attractive purpose to the target community along with increasing sales in the company.
- Paid for Results, not Hard Work
In business, there is a difference between goal driven and results driven. Goal driven is the definition of hard work, and an individual that is results driven is understood to be achievement orientated. In social media marketing, the individual is paid by the sales that are brought in from the company they are representing, which means that the marketer must be achievement orientated and results driven. A method to manage your time through marketing is determining the most important activities for the week. While eliminating the less important priorities, the most important activities must be identified and the activity that must be completed should be designated as the most important priority.
- Effectiveness of your Marketing Strategy
Social media marketing can be a very effective tool for businesses, but only if it analyzed and measured correctly. In order for your marketing to be effective for your business you must analyze to confirm if the current marketing strategy is a benefit to the company. Consistent contact with the customers will keep the representative updated on the customer's needs, and offering products the customer is in need for. Many online services offer data researching tools where the social media marketer can measure demographics, type of industry and the age group the company's purpose and products that are offered are most attracted to.
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