Facebook - Effective Marketing and More Traffic With Less Costs

The internet is one of the busiest industries today. For the most part, the world has gone digital and almost every endeavor requires the use of the internet. The Business industry, just like all the other fields, has gone digital as well.
Marketing and Promotions are now mostly done online. Most entrepreneurs market their products online. Several social networking sites offer Ads but Facebook has been one of the most prolific. With over 62 million users, Facebook is dubbed to be the most popular social networking site in the world today.
Marketing on Facebook has made many entrepreneurs reach higher sales and traffic goals. Facebook is said to have the most effective Ad page system with efficient costs.Facebook will also help propel your business venture to new heights.
The Facebook Ad Page
The first reason why Facebook is the number one choice of entrepreneurs when it comes to marketing online is because of its fast, easy and simple to use interface. To use this platform one of the first things that you will have to do is to create a Facebook profile and then fill out the information needed. When you have your Facebook account, you can then update your status and upload photos and videos. You will also find that you will generate more traffic to your business.
Your profile must depict or show what your business is all about. Remember this will also serve as your first impression to your clients. So it should catch their attention. You can also invite and confirm friends to connect with your page.
The idea here is to add as many friends as you can. Your friends are also a part of your market. They are the ones who can view and have a closer look at your products and/or services. The best part here is that your promotion does not stop with your circle of friends on Facebook. Your friends might re-post or recommend your product to their friends on Facebook. Can you imagine how large your market might become on this site? Building rapport with your customers is also easier with Facebook. You can message or chat with your consumers anytime you want.
Building rapport with your prospects will also help you connect with them better. This will also help you know your consumers better. It is a fact that in marketing, you have to study your market and one of the best ways to know that is through communication.
Facebook Ads also allow you to have a better communication with your consumers. They make it possible for you to have a conversation with them directly.
Lastly, anything posted on Facebook nowadays can easily become viral because people may talk about it. The best marketing strategy is word of mouth. The more people talk about it, the more interested they will become of your products. Referrals are always one of the best ways to obtain customers.
Every time you satisfy a customer with your product, people talk about it. Most of the time, satisfied customers will create or write a status about your product and share it with their friends. This is how Facebook can help to boost your business.
With this site, your marketing will be easier, faster, more effective and cheaper. So what are you waiting for? Another advantage of using Facebook is also the more traffic you will generate to your site.Some businesses would give their eye teeth for the amount of traffic that can be generated.
Rob Hillman is a Web Traffic and Facebook enthusiast, to find out more about Web Traffic, please visit http://webtrafficgenerationguide.com/index-z-dezigns.html
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Rob_Hillman/315124

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9390128

7 Common Myths About Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is an important tool for online and offline businesses. But there's a lot of misconceptions about social media. How do you know what's accurate and what's not? Here are the 7 common myths that you might hear about when it comes to social media marketing for your business.
1. Everyone's On It
In spite of the belief that everybody in the world is on social media, the truth is that many people are not. Current data show that out of the 3 billion active internet users worldwide, 2.1 billion people have social media accounts. That's still a lot but don't presume that everyone is able to see your posts. Some people only use it to keep in touch with their family.
2. It's The Only Marketing Strategy You Need
Social media marketing should be part of your entire marketing strategy, not your only strategy. You still need a website, email marketing still provides the highest return on investment, and content marketing are all important elements of your marketing strategy. It's never a good idea to put all your marketing eggs in one basket.
3. It Leads To Quick Sales
Social media marketing is a journey and not a destination and is not a place to make instant sales. It takes time to build up a following. Obtaining more followers and more shares is a continuous and long-term effort.
4. It's Only For Young People
People of all ages are now on social network sites. Evaluating and understanding your target audience is critical to not only choosing your social platforms, but also in developing an effective marketing plan.
5. You Must Be On Every Platform To Achieve Success
This simply isn't true, and can really waste your time. It's better to do your research and pinpoint which ones will be most effective for your business. Which platforms do your audience use? That's where you need to be. It's better to have one really good site than several poorly managed ones.
6. It's Too Expensive For A Small Business
Social media can be low-cost and expensive. You can set up profiles on any social platform for free. Once you get comfortable with the way that your chosen platform works, advertising can be very cost effective.
7. The More Followers The Better
There is no point in having tens of thousands of followers if none of one of them takes any notice of you. It's better to have a hundred followers that are highly targeted and loyal.
If you're using social media for your business, how effective are your efforts? It should never be a guessing game when it comes to finding out what works and what doesn't work. Discover 7 unique tools that will help you to use the social networks to your advantage at: http://jonallo.com/social-media-for-your-business/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jon_Allo/1079948

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9563812

The Seven Steps To Effective Money Management

There are two reasons why effective money management is important.The first is that it will enable an individual to cut their bad debt and live within their means. The second is that it will start a cycle of saving that will allow a person to move proactively towards investing.
The seven steps for effective money management are as follows:
  1. Master your inner thoughts and spoken words.
  2. Create a spending plan.
  3. Simplify your lifestyle.
  4. Pay off your bad debt.
  5. Create a balance sheet and income statement.
  6. Write down financial goals.
  7. Learn to invest.
Master your inner thoughts and spoken words
Your inner thoughts are the start of everything that you create. What you focus on expands. Negative, fear based thoughts will manifest themselves into reality if you allow them to grow in your mind. You must focus on the things that you want so that it expands and manifests in your life. Your words are also important as negative words such as "I can't afford it" or "I will never be rich" will send out the wrong message. The universe only responds to thoughts and words of abundance. From this moment forward stop yourself the second you think or say a negative word and immediately replace it with something positive. You must believe that you can be rich and live a life of abundance. If you have the mental capacity to read this article then it is your duty to get rich so that you can help those that are less fortunate than yourself.
Create a spending plan
A spending plan specifies exactly how you will spend and save your money. I prefer not to call it budgeting as this implies constraint and scarcity of choices. A spending plan on the other hand suggests mastery and control of your finances. It is vital to track every cent that you spend. The idea is to create a list of spending priorities that is aligned to what is most important to you. There is one thing that is non-negotiable. You may not spend more than your earnings and at least 10% of your income must be saved so that you can build capital for investment. You should have a short-term plan that covers the period of a month and a long-term plan that is for a year. This is because certain expenses like home improvements may need longer planning periods. Long term home improvements can also be managed by taking out a loan and paying a fixed monthly amount that fits in with your plan.
Simplify your lifestyle
You can save and live a life with lesser stress if you just simplify. An expensive car and dining out at popular restaurants is not a necessity. Don't drink coffee at Starbucks or spend money on fancy branded clothing. Once you are earning your desired working income then you can treat yourself to luxuries but if you are struggling to save then really think hard about your lifestyle and spending habits.
Pay off your bad debt
Credit card debt is bad if you pay just the minimum amount every month. If you have a large credit card bill then do your best to pay if off quickly.This is because the high interest will keep you in debt for many years to come and will result in you paying more than the original amount. Sometimes it is necessary to take out a loan to take care of an emergency or a home improvement project. This is not avoidable but get the best interest rate possible and pay more than the required monthly amount so that the loan is disposed off quickly.
Create a balance sheet and income statement
This might sound like a scary proposition and you may think that these financial reports are just for businesses. This is not true, every person needs these drawn up so that they know what their net worth is. A person may be earning a really good income but can still have a very low net worth. Net worth is the total of all your assets such as cash, investments, properties and cars minus your liabilities such as loans. A person can have many assets but may still be in big trouble if they can't pay back their liabilities. The ideal situation is to have assets that you own completely and liabilities that are not more than 40% of the value of your assets.
Financial Goals
If you have no financial goals then you have nothing to aim for. There is no point in saying you want to get rich. You have to specify the exact amount and the exact date you want it. What is the ideal working income that you want? Write down the exact amount then double it to take into account taxes. What is the exact amount of money that you wish to have in your bank account in five years time? What would you like your net worth to be in five years time? Write down all these figures and look at them everyday before you go to sleep and again when you awaken in the morning. This gives your subconscious mind something to aim for and manifest into your life.
Learn to invest
The interest your money earns in banks or financial institutions will never make you rich. It is important to earn more than 20% interest every year on your money. Financial institutions will never be able to do this for an individual. It is up to each person to learn the skills to invest in the stock market and residential property market. This is a long-term commitment which requires diligent study and application. You must read the books, attend the seminars and listen to a good mentor so that you can acquire the required knowledge. Once you have the knowledge then massive action and discipline is needed to execute the investment strategies. The work is hard but it will be worth it if you can retire early and not have to worry about whether you can afford the lifestyle you want.
The seven steps to effective money management starts with positive thoughts which leads to positive actions. These are not steps designed to reduce you to a life of scarcity but a life of choices and abundance. Choose your thoughts and words wisely, execute in alignment with your goals and you will be pleasantly surprised at the difference it will make to your net worth.
My name is John Singh and I am passionate about financial freedom and travel. Please look at my website: http://johnsingh.biz for more great articles and advice on how to reach the goal of financial freedom.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Singh/2201534

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9227885

Six Things You Should Do About Your Money

Money doesn't just happen. You work hard to earn it and get the best from it. But if you're not a good expense manager and too much of it slips through your fingers like dry sand, today is the day to think about things differently to change the rest of your life for the better.
1. Perk up your pension. The pension climate is changing so much that many financial advisers don't talk about pensions anymore; they talk about 'retirement income'. Do you know how much you'll have? With auto-enrolment putting people into company schemes up and down the UK, this is probably a good time to look into just what your pension pot will be worth to you when you get to retirement age. The government's Money Advice Service has a really useful online calculator allowing you to get an idea of how much you might have when you retire. If you've done the calculation and find there's not as much as you thought there might be, now's the time to pay more in. The sooner you start, the larger your pension pot will be. Talking to an independent financial adviser can be invaluable.
2. Keep saving. Living 'hand to mouth' with your money is fine - until something unexpected happens, like needing a new central heating boiler, a big bill on the car, or a sudden hike in season ticket prices for your commute. Putting a little bit away each month will cushion the blow when it comes (and it surely will eventually), but before then, you'll reach the point where you have sufficient funds for a holiday without spending it all. The equivalent of a month or two's salary is a good cushion to aim for.
3. Divide and conquer. If you're not a good money manager, and find you've overlooked a standing order the suddenly dips your bank account into the red, consider setting up a second bank account. Get paid into the first account. Add up all the monthly bills that go straight out from the bank, and leave enough to pay them all in that account. Include a little extra for the cushion we talked about. Transfer the rest into the second account. That's what you have to spend for the month, so you'll have a better idea of what you can - and can't - afford later on, to stop you having too much month left at the end of your money. Sure, there might be lean times towards the end, but you'll be safe in the knowledge that your bill are all paid, so you're not going to get into arrears. Setting up the arrangement could hardly be easier. The bank will help, and you can make the transfer on a standing order so you never need to think about it again.
4. Fight the impulse. So much is bought on impulse today. The thrill of the chase and the adrenaline rush of the purchase may seem less appealing if you decide later that you don't really want, or worse still, can't afford, your latest purchase. Never fear! If you still have the receipt, you can probably take back the expensive shoes and put the money towards the electricity bill instead. Who needs a pair of Kurt Geiger shoes anyway?
5. Count the pennies. If you've done what we suggest in tips 4 and 5, you can build on that success by using money management apps on your smartphone to track the spending of funds in your second account. Simply key in the value of everything you buy and assign it to a category, then the clever app will do the money management for you by adding it all up. You can even photograph receipts or do voice recordings to record your spending. Expense management was never so easy! And what's more, seeing what you spend will let you see if there are better (or more enjoyable) ways of spending your money.
6. Make a will. This might be a tough one to talk about, but it could save your family a fortune in the long run. For example, if you're half of a couple living together and one of you dies without having made a Will, the other may have no claim on funds you've saved together. A Will is the only way to issue instructions about where you want your money to go. And it's not just about money; you may have things of great sentimental, or even financial, value that you want to go to specific people.
Sunita Nigam is a Co founder of Solo Expenses, It's brought to you by the founders of Expense on Demand, the specialist mid-market expense management system used by more than 70 countries since 2003. See http://www.soloexpenses.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sunita_Nigam/2148823

Free Money Grant Assistance From Nonprofit Organizations to Help Pay Bills

There are nonprofit organizations in every state which have support of funds and benefit programs for the low-income individuals and families in dealing with the daily necessities of their lives. The applicants may vary from students to senior citizens, from an unemployed person to a single mother who are regularly facing the financial crunch in their lives.
Time has come to shed off your worries and apply for free grant money for bills. Seek help from nonprofits, charities or churches to pay off your bills on time and avoid disruption of services.
Assistance to Pay Housing Bills
A safe, secured and a decent accommodation is a dream of all individuals as it is the prime requisite. But not always getting an affordable shelter is a possible task for everyone with their meager and limited income. Sometimes it is impossible for these individuals to purchase or rent a house. To help these underprivileged mass in getting a respectable shelter various nonprofit organizations are offering rental opportunities in the most controlled rates. Financial support is also extended to pay off the housing bills to avoid nonpayment of rent or mortgage and avoid foreclosure or eviction. Some of the eminent nonprofits are:
• Mercy Housing
• Habitat for Humanity
• Fannie Mae
• Catholic Charities
• CoAbode
• Homesharing
• National Coalition for the Homeless (NHC)
Assistance to Pay Medical Bills
Health or medical expenses have become too much exorbitant in present time and often the financial deprived families find it difficult to meet this basic necessity of life. Charitable concerns and nonprofits are organizing free checkups and medical assistance to compensate the medical expense and bills. Apply for free money for bills to some of the popular nonprofits:
• American Red Cross
• Lutheran Services in America
• United Healthcare Children's Foundation
• Children's Health Fund
• Free Medical Clinics
• Medi-Corp
• Dispensary of Hope
Assistance to Pay Utility and Electricity Bills
The expense of utility is often sky high for the limited income mass and individuals. These low-income families also require utility assistance to compensate electricity bills and avail heating and cooling services.
Financial help is required as if not paid within the due date it can lead to disconnection of services. Apply with nonprofits for your utility bills.
• Jewish Federation of North America
• Operation Round Up by gas/utility companies
• Community Action Organizations
Assistance to Pay Food Bills
Nutrition is one of the primary concerns for the low-income groups as they often suffer from malnutrition and other health hazards due to a dearth of money. They often cannot buy healthy food or do not get proper squares of meals. Several nonprofits and charitable organizations are offering free food and food vouchers to purchase meals for children, pregnant women, single mothers, disabled and senior citizens. There are eminent nonprofit organizations to seek help from:
• Jewish Federation of North America
• Lutheran Services in America
• Feeding America
Assistance to Pay Transportation Bills
Transportation bills can be sometimes very high, especially for those who are commuting on a daily basis to their workplace. This is the reason numerous nonprofits offer transportation assistance and cars free of cost. Some of the prominent names are:
• 1-800-Charity Cars
• Cars for Careers
• Jewish Federation of North America
• Love in the Name of Christ
• Free Charity Cars
• Wheels to Work
• Car care ministry
• Caring cars program
Assistance to Pay Emergency Bills
Problem with the low-income families become even graver when an emergency situation arises like sudden hospitalization, accident or sudden bankruptcy. With the financial crisis, it is almost impossible to manage dues, debts, exorbitant bills or daily necessities. Registered organizations, nonprofits, and churches offer help with payment of these bills.
• Volunteers of America
• Net Wish
• Churches
• Salvation Army
It is time to apply for free grant money for bills and get rid of all your dues, debts, and outstanding bills.
Kaushikee is an avid grant writer. She writes for several grant sites & blogs, does thorough research work and accumulates all essential information that makes the blogs informative and enhances their value.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Kaushikee_Sanyal/2108924

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9316247

Peer-To-Peer Lending Practices Encouraged by Emerging Online Platforms

Without going into details of the concept of peer-to-peer lending, one can explain it as a type of debt financing, in which lenders and borrower enjoy freedom and control over the terms of a loan, without any intervention of intermediary financial systems. Further simplifying, it is a term used for the practice of money lending by individuals via services that connect lenders and borrowers directly.
It may come as a surprise to some; the core concept behind peer-to-peer lending is not new. People meeting new lenders and borrowers on various dedicated platforms, or being matched with appropriate lenders or borrowers online is what makes it feel something different. But if we say that a person lending money to a borrower on a moderate interest rate, with flexibility in periods of paying installments, is something out the world, I wouldn't agree. I have seen people taking money from those who consider them trustworthy (it is many times not based on credit score calculated using some complex algorithm) to meet their short-term, or sometimes even long-term financial needs, and paying back on terms mutually agreed upon.
Looking at the options available in the marketplace and the ever-growing community of lenders and borrowers we can say that it is destined to reach new heights. Even after seeing many platforms available online, I would not say that the service domain is achieving saturation. These platforms, providing facilities for peer-to-peer lending vary ever so slightly in their way of delivering services to the end user. Knowing so, one can justify the suitability of one platform for his or her needs and reject another for the very same or some other reason; only if one knows where to look for these minute variations.
Not making it too analytic, I will pick a few important points, which may act as a key factor in deciding upon the platform of your choice, but before proceeding, I suggest a broad classification based on the extent of involvement. One type covers all those platforms, which either impose some type of restriction on the loan amount, interest rate or any other terms, matching up lender or borrower payments, and their methods. The other type includes those platforms that exist primarily to facilitate direct debt financing and its record keeping, in other words, making the process systematic and easy, and does not restrict users in any way in the domain of these financial interactions.
• Networking
Some platforms match lenders and borrowers themselves or have an influence on such matchups. This reduces the scope one enjoys over selecting their lenders or borrowers. These platforms should not be considered social.
• Commission
The platform having the business model that defines earning based on money flowing through their domain usually restrict payments to be made through their transaction facilities.
• Flexibility in options available for lending or borrowing
Almost all platforms will give the option to create a loan, but few will support various complex loan terms like amortization versus balloon or custom compounding frequency, that too being independent of repayment frequency although within feasible combinations. Some platforms even restrict interest rate within specified ranges. Creating a pool for funding a large amount is another good feature to look for, but only if you get to choose whom you are sharing profits with.
I can continue writing on these and many more factors, but not much will come out of it, rather, I recommend the readers who are interested should try these platforms before sticking with the first that came in sight. Selecting old and matured platforms only has one apparent advantage, a big user base to get started right away after registration. But if you are more comfortable with lending or borrowing within your social network / trust network, which invariantly includes people from family, friends or colleagues, there is no harm in trying one of those newly launched platforms as you are not looking for unknown people to connect to anyway.
Exilend - Friends and Family Lending Platform
Exilend is Friends & Family Lending platform which brings lenders and borrowers together and help create & track loans, provides payment reminders, extensive reports and many features.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9464372

Teach Your Children About Money - Very Essential

Teach Your Children About Money - Very Essential
By [http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Olakitan_Wellington/51272]Olakitan Wellington

Man's journey on the road to success begins at the age of accountability and continues on a daily basis for the rest of his life. As soon as a child is wise enough to claim any money given to him/her as 'my money'; that child is ready for Financial Literacy lessons.

Many nations are experiencing economic quagmire now. This could have been greatly minimised if not totally eliminated. How could the present economic predicament have been avoided? Answer: if leaders of today, as school children then, were taught the essential principles of wealth creation and sustenance. It saddens me how nations with large endowment of human and natural resources are doing so poorly.

The same phenomenon applies to children of wealthy parents, at least majority of them. Studies show that a high percentage as high as 90%) of the children of wealthy people don't end up wealthy in life. At best, they just earn enough to get by in life. This is because they never learnt how to make, to keep and properly use money. They were neither taught nor disciplined on how to operate the essential laws of wealth creation.

Unfortunately, financial literacy is not taught in most schools; it is not part of the school curriculum at all. As parents, whether wealthy or poor, we all fervently wish better standards of life than we ever had for our children. Parents struggle to ensure that their offspring do not live the lives of hardship and poverty which they themselves had to go through.

Yes, it is quite tasking to teach the concept of money management to young children but they need to know the basic skills about money and they need to learn it NOW.

There are people who believe children have no business learning about money; but the truth is that habits are formed from an early age. It is the habits we teach our children that they will grow up with and live by. So many adults find it difficult to save today because they were never taught the habits of saving money and using it wisely.

Let us help our children and our future; let us join hands to eliminate financial illiteracy. Let us cooperate to build nations that will dwell in peace with each other because everyone is comfortable. Starting with one child, your child, we can turn around the economy of our nations for the better. YES, We Can!

Would you like [http://seedsofwealthng.com/]free information on how to teach your children about money management? Your children will learn basic wealth creating principles with purpose-invented and engaging fun tools. Olakitan Wellington is a seasoned Financial Literacy Education Expert with a passion to help people create and enjoy a wealthy lifestyle. Visit her resourceful site to gain free access to financial literacy tips and resources on [http://seedsofwealthng.com/]How to Raise Wealthy Children

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Teach-Your-Children-About-Money---Very-Essential&id=9496294] Teach Your Children About Money - Very Essential


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